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Feb. 9 -- Feb. 15, 2006


The Waterbearer (Jan. 19 -- Feb. 18)

Take a break and escape for some R & R. Your life is like a locomotive gone wild and you deserve some quiet time, away from the hubbub. Make it a point to get out in the natural world of water and plants. For the mentally inclined, this is a good time to lose yourself in study.

For All Signs Venus, goddess of love to the ancients, has been retrograding since Christmas. On Feb. 3 she turned direct, representing a shift toward the better in relationships with restoration to order. Those in shaky attachments may have withdrawn altogether. Dormant relationship issues probably resurfaced for attention. Antiquated behavior patterns with a compulsive quality might have been unleashed once again. These are normal human reactions when Venus' energy is retrograding. During these periods we are called to wake up to how we fall into unconscious and negative relationship patterns. It's time for a performance upgrade.

Aries You are probably caught in a subtle power struggle. The question is just who has control of the resources. Even those who are single may be arguing with the little voice on the inside. Set the problem aside for a week. You probably cannot wrestle it to a conclusion right now and it is devouring energy.

Taurus Big corporate powers, such as Visa Banks, may be controlling a part of your life and narrowing your territory. But you have aspects that suggest you could be creative and enjoy your love life in spite of Those At the Top. Travel, romance and education are favored.

Gemini Your abilities and intellect are on display at this time. Others are noticing what you can accomplish. You may feel compelled to work harder or longer than you ever intended. Right now it may be a necessity, but make it a point to find an easy out the next time this happens.

Cancer You may experience a mild degree of psychological healing this week. Focus your attention on sharing your feelings and thoughts at a deep level with someone important in your world. Although you fear being abandoned, you will find that won't happen now.

Leo During this phase in your life your attitude is more serious than in the past. You want to create order and sensibility. This week, however, you have a plethora of information and small details that just won't sort themselves into neat stacks. Wait a month or so to gather all the data.

Virgo Your attention is riveted on the primary relationship(s) in your life. Partners are behaving in an unpredictable fashion and this makes the Virgoan anxious. Earth people, such as yourself, can be upset by those who aren't making sensible moves. Give the circumstances time to settle.

Libra This is a week when you may secretly enjoy a romantic fantasy. Whether you are Rhett Butler or Scarlet O'Hara, you can play it to the hilt. If you are too shy to enjoy acting out a part, you likely will take pleasure in a dramatic book or watching emotionally gripping movies.

Scorpio The energies in your relationship(s) may be a little strange this week. If you can play freely, things will be light and easy. If you insist upon resolving issues between you, there is a temptation to manipulate, which gives things a leaden, thick feeling.

Sagittarius This is a good week to take a break from the routine of the world. Things in the usual workplace are not going smoothly anyway. Don't fight it. You have aspects that suggest a profound quality of thought and the ability to probe deeply beneath the surface of anything that interests you.

Capricorn Mental projects are just not yielding ready answers this week. It may be difficult for you to concentrate because the material is just too disorganized. Devote some time and energy to straightening out the facts so you can then make some sense out of a big project.

Pisces Circumstances may cause you to speak out independently and declare your freedom from the expected behavior. This is fine as long as you are working from the genuine inner self. Some Fish may just be creating havoc so they can see what would happen.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Web site: