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For the week of June 16 ­ June 22, 2005


Gemini - The Twins (May 20 – June 21) Creative or avante garde ideas that were generated in the past are now yielding applause and positive feedback. Hold in mind that your feelings rarely change. But the Twins often talk to themselves differently every day about what they think about those feelings.

For All Signs We come to the point of the precise summer solstice at 2:48am EDT on the 21st. This is the time of the year at which the northern hemisphere is tilted closest to the sun. So this is theoretically the longest “day” of the year. For centuries, pagans (country people) celebrated this day with prayers and requests for blessings from mother earth, who would soon yield her summer harvests. Take a moment to give blessings to the trees, which are weakening in their battle against our pollution. Stop to appreciate the green plants and lush growth that keep the earth healthy.

Aries With your ruling planet, Mars, in your sign, you will no doubt press yourself forward, take on extra work, and generally be assertive. You have one or more conflicts between your personal desires and the needs of family or other loved ones.

Taurus Give special attention to symptoms of your vehicle at this time. Water, oil, or exhaust may be a source of trouble. Conditions around you may press you into service on behalf of neighbors, siblings, or other people in your life. Don’t fight it.

Cancer The sun returns “home” to your sign this week, as it does every year on the solstice. Take a fresh look at where you want to direct your energy. It is appropriate that your attention be directed toward yourself right now. What you feel and think may be at odds.

Leo It is normal to feel fatigued in the month before your birthday. Metaphorically this is the “dark” before morning, before your new year begins next month. This week in particular is a fine time to take a break and spend time in positive solitude.

Virgo This is an unusually social and talkative week. Your partner is brimming over with new ideas and the two of you may become highly creative together. Remain aware of the needs of your body and don’t push it beyond the “stop” boundary, lest you become fatigued.

Libra Experiences come along this week that press you to adjust your work or life goals. We all need to make changes sometimes and often we won’t do it unless something happens to force it. Stay alert to your physical body and make an effort to give it what it needs to feel well.

Scorpio It appears this is a time to let others have their way now, which will pave the way for you to gain what you need/want later. There probably is no use fighting it anyway, and you know that. Be cautious about trying to force an issue with a loved one.

Sagittarius You have no new planetary aspects at this time, so you should have a quiet week with relatively few interruptions. This is a good time to finalize details of pending projects. If you work quickly, maybe you can take off and go out to enjoy the natural world before the week is over.

Capricorn You surely sense that you are coming to a new bend in the road this summer. A cycle of three years is on the verge of shifting into a new direction. You will want to have your financial affairs in order and you are probably already thinking about that subject now.

Aquarius Those with allergies need to take special precautions at this time. Others may not feel physically on top of things, a little “off.” Caretaking may be expected of you, yet this is not a time that you want to be anyone’s nurse, parent, or nanny.

Pisces Interactions with children and/or lovers are intellectually stimulating and give you one or more clever ideas. Creative activities are given a green light, along with romance and social life. Your mind is poetic, imaginative, and moving swiftly.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-987-2258 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Website: