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For the week of November 12, 2003


For All Signs Eclipses always occur in pairs. We had a full moon eclipse on Nov. 8 and will have a solar eclipse on Nov. 23. This period in between the two eclipses is known as an "eclipse season." It is a time of change that allows for relief of critical mass. For many of us this month there will be an experience of manifestation or illumination about situations that have been long in the making. See your sun and ascendant signs below to learn what the eclipse in Taurus means for you.

Aries This eclipse series accents personal and financial resources. Greater awareness will develop related to expenditures of time, energy and money. Debts need to be repaid. Leftover IRS issues may surface. Eliminate or recycle whatever is no longer useful in your life.

Taurus Your personal identity is the subject under consideration. Who do you need to be? How do you wish to define yourself before the world? Can you develop an individual identity that is workable while simultaneously maintaining a personally rewarding relationship?

Gemini The eclipses emphasize your need for internal order and self-reflection. You must discern the needs of your deepest self and maintain faith that time will yield the secular opportunities that you need. Solitude can be healing now.

Cancer Involvement in your community, networking, and developing new friendships is occupying a central role during this eclipse series. You have lessons to learn about discerning who is truly a friend. Many will experience a critical turn in the area of love life and personal creativity.

Leo There will be emphasis on career, life goals, and community reputation. Honors may develop in coming months if you have previously built a solid foundation. Family members plead for more attention in subtle and overt ways as the patterns in relationships change.

Virgo Legal, ethical or educational issues are emphasized by the eclipse series. Travel and expansion of mental or spiritual territory is punctuated. Exposure to those of different backgrounds or cultures opens your heart and leads you in new directions.

Libra This eclipse pattern emphasizes issues of sexuality, intimacy, and material accumulation. You may be more conscious than usual about existential matters related to life, death, and what is on "the other side" of normal, waking consciousness.

Scorpio What is your pattern in significant relationships? What needs to be repaired or improved? How might you contribute to a fuller, richer life for yourself as well as the important persons in your life? It is crucial to search out solutions that favor everyone concerned.

Sagittarius It is important to concentrate on improvement of coworker relationships and health maintenance. Honing your management systems in personal and work arenas is necessary to improve the efficiency of the daily work routine. The keyword is better self-care.

Capricorn The eclipse pattern emphasizes your progeny. Intense experiences could come through your children, romance, or the results of other personally creative births. The time is approaching to let go of friendships and associations that no longer serve you well.

Aquarius Old problems in relationships, even with the deceased, are brought to consciousness for cleansing and healing. Property and real estate matters also require concentration. Bring career into alignment with your true self. That which doesn't genuinely fit must be rearranged or eliminated.

Pisces The accent of this eclipse period is on travel, education, care of vehicles and relationships to siblings, roommates, neighbors, or others who daily traverse your life. Now is the time to focus on learning fresh practical life skills.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-987-2258 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Website: