Archives » Soul of the City


February 20 - 26, 2003


For All Signs
This is the second of a two week series of hard-hitting aspects that represent anger, potential for violence, and attacks of any type. I write these articles weeks in advance, so as I am composing this one I can't help but wonder if there will be threats, skirmishes, or even breakout of war during these two weeks. On a different subject, business trends will change direction and improve slowly, beginning this week.

Whatever you might want to call it, you are dealing with matters of conscience, of right and wrong, ethics and immorality. The fun and play looks so very delightful, but you know there will be a price to pay on the other side. Maybe your story is not so dramatic as this, but it is important to you. Think carefully. Use foresight.

Activities involving legal interests, travel, higher education, and/or publishing are temporarily blocked by concerns over resources. The answer is not absolutely "no." It is just "not right now." This is not the best of weeks for love life either. Just do what is required in your life. Better times come later.

It seems like you have been "getting ready" to take the next step all winter, and even now you still have a small roadblock or two. However, next week brings the dawn and the breakthrough. For now, let your imagination simmer and bubble so the finished product will be just as you wanted it.

You may be arriving at a climactic event related to legal affairs, education, traveling or publishing. The efforts you have made in these areas since last June will tell the story about success or failure. If you have handled the details carefully and accurately, there should be no doubt of your success.

You and Pisces have much in common this week, so check the Pisces message. You and another may have a sublime adventure on the mental and imaginal levels. You could bounce like springs off each other with great ideas. You need to find some grounding if these ideas are ever to become reality.

You may have a dickens of a time keeping your head on straight this week. Your mind wants to wander, follow its fancies, and daydream about a life of luxury with no details to interfere. Speak to your inner critic and give yourself a break this week. Enjoy your family. You don't have to work every minute.

You have "slow down" signals in the territory of travel, legal interests, publishing, and higher education. If you have your part of the bargain done, then the others involved may not have theirs complete. Don't take it personally. Your time will come. For now focus attention on home, hearth, and family.

You had a challenging week last week, but now things improve. Aspects concerning money and resources look brighter, home life appears happier, and matters involving education and/or friendship are looking favorable. Your attention is shifting into the areas of children, recreation, personal creativity, and romance.

Aspects especially favor activities involving communications, transportation, and travel. That is something the Archer always likes to know is promised. Your intuition is strong this week, but you must distinguish genuine impressions from the voice of the ego, which is always searching for ways to tempt you away from your true self.

Saturn, your ruling planet, is in a stationary position this week. That suggests you may be poised on the brink of a shift, but you don't have permission from the world or from yourself for final takeoff. Don't worry over this slow beginning. It is temporary and also necessary. Be still.

Your head is in the clouds and your aspirations are very high at this time. You need the help of another to bring your goals into realistic perspective. Talk it over with the most grounded person you know. What you envision may be the ideal, but it is probably a tad beyond what can truly be accomplished.

Your concepts and ideas are so vast this week that it is hard to translate them into normal, everyday language. You could find yourself suddenly blank, just as you were fishing for the exact word to finish a sentence. If you have anything important to present, take the time to write it out in detail first. Otherwise you may be embarrassed.

Interested in a personal horoscope? Call Vivian Carol at 704-987-2258 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Website: