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January 16-22, 2003


For All Signs
Of the 10 celestial bodies used in an individual's horoscope, the sun's position relative to the earth is the only regular, annually repeated cycle. As the earth moves forward in its steady orbit through the year, the position of the sun appears to move from one constellation to the next. As long as we add Leap Day to our calendar every four years, the sun will continue to "travel" through the Aquarius sector of the zodiac between January 20 and February 18. When we speak of "being an Aquarian or a Pisces," we are actually describing the position of the earth relative to the sun at the time of birth.

You are shifting gears into a new cycle that will continue through March 3. During the next few weeks, the following areas are highlighted with increased activity: travel, education, publishing, the Internet, dealing with people from a distance or foreign cultures, issues of ethics and philosophical beliefs.

If you have wishes, now is the time to ask. People want to give you what you need. Love and romance are emphasized. There is a possibility that you are seeing an idealized image of another person. Don't buy into any offers that seem to be too good to be true.

This is a time for healing of your most important relationships. If there are things to discuss about the past, lay them on the table and speak with your heart. The subject is genuine intimacy, which may include hot topics, such as money and sexuality. This is difficult for the Gemini thinker typology.

The full moon is in your sign on the 18th. As a "moon child," you are especially sensitive to lunar changes. Watch the calendar and notice your energy levels at the new and full moons. Classic astrology suggests that fresh growth occurs between the new and full moon.

Love, romance, creative work, and play are bright spots on your calendar this week. Those involved with the arts are especially favored. A word of caution: you are strongly tempted to see a significant other through pink lenses at this time. That can be fun, unless you are thinking "commitment."

Are there any issues brewing under the surface in your relationship(s) to children or to lovers? Now is the perfect time to bring up difficult topics and work through them together. If you are not quite ready, then prepare yourself internally and plan time to discuss things next week.

Aspects are in your favor this week. Love life and romance are highlighted. All relationships are upbeat, even those with neighbors and roommates. You may be the happy recipient of small gifts, tokens of affection from those who love you.

You are entering a new phase of attention which will continue through early March. Issues of money and resources or matters of personal values will be prominent drivers. You are tempted to identify with that which you deem important. Just remember, you have a spirit, separate and above things of the world.

Mars, the warrior, enters your sign this week and will be with you until early February. This energy is best used to handle physically heavy projects or take initiatives. Meanwhile, Venus is also favoring you with positive aspects for romance and travel.

It is altogether possible that you may find a source of information concerning your health, relationships, and/or identity that you have needed for a long time. If you are on such a quest, redouble your efforts this week and next. Something important will surface. Stay alert.

The sun returns "home" to your sign this week. Now is the time to focus on new plans for this next year of your life. Take a fresh look at where you want to direct your energy. It is appropriate that your attention be directed toward yourself right now. But others want some consideration too.

This is a great week to snatch your lover and head off to romantic territory. If you can't do that, make it a point to spend some romantic time together. You are especially appreciative of the arts and things of beauty right now. Your reputation is being given a boost.

Interested in a personal horoscope? Call Vivian Carol at 704-987-2258 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Website: http://www.