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For week of October 17-23, 2002


For All Signs

Venus, goddess of love, is retrograding through November 20. Many of us will be pressured to encounter ourselves and our personal behavior within the framework of our relationships. Those in shaky attachments may withdraw altogether. Dormant issues may resurface for attention. We have a tendency to "go back" to previous relationships or to re-experience former behavior patterns in the present situation. During Venus' retrograding periods we are called to wake up to any internal saboteurs that interfere with our ability to love.


The next few weeks are focused heavily on the "others" in your life and the state of your relationships. Look for ways to renew and share energy with your partner, business associates and close friends. You may be tempted to pressure others into agreement in order to support your personal goals.


Early in the week you are in the mood to spend money to beautify your daily environment. Later there may be issues to review and resolve with your partner, significant others, or clientele. Those in new relationships may decide they need some space. Long-term relationships will experience some conflicts over the use or expenditure of resources.


This is a wonderful week to pursue your creative side. Contracts and negotiations are especially favored, and one or more people with power or knowledge that you need are likely to help voluntarily. You have "go" signals in love, romance, social life, and your relationship to a significant other. Make the most of this banner week!


Aspects are highly favorable in a number of areas: insurance or debt payoff, home improvement, intimacy and sexuality, relationships to family members, and business concerning inheritance. You have solutions now to problems and entanglements that have bothered you for several weeks. Your heart and mind have found a meeting point.


This is a good period to inaugurate improvements and update your environment. The time favors ordered, disciplined, and gradual change, rather than overthrow or rebellion. This is a good week for contracts and fortuitous encounters with those who can help you.


If your income is flexible, you will love what happens to it this week. Even those on straight salary will have cause to feel more appreciated. There is a positive and upbeat feeling about everything you touch and do right now. Relationships to family members and co-workers, home improvements, and career prospects are all favored.


Fortunate aspects favor romance, business travel, scholastic pursuits, and creative energy. Mars, the red planet of war, entered your sign September 15 and will be traveling with you throughout November. This energy is best used to handle physically heavy projects or take initiatives that you might not otherwise tackle.


Over the next six weeks life will work more smoothly if you let yourself be led by the "signs," circumstances, and people around you. It is not a time to attack in anger or initiate new ideas, but to respond to what comes your way. Your career and reputation will be given a small boost this week. Unexpected expenses are ahead. Conserve your resources.


Friends, associates, and community contacts are particularly helpful and willing to assist you to accomplish your aims during this period. If your goal is one that has a worthy social mission, then the bounty is doubled. This is a good time to ask important people for an introduction to one who has the power to open doors in your direction.


Be prepared for an overload of activity involving your career this week. Authorities may be challenging, and your solid work ethic is your best ally. Don't let yourself be pressured to the point of making errors. Romance and social life may be a little disappointing, but this is transitory. Table worries over difficult situations and people until a better time.


This is an unusually favorable week for the Waterbearers. Any activities involving travel, dealing with people from a distance, the law, education, and publications are likely to proceed as you wish. Your ideas for change and making improvements in almost any area will be readily accepted.


You are on the receiving end of good fortune that comes through the help and assistance of others. Insurance or other debts owed to you will likely be paid. Love, romance and intimate encounters will deepen. Those with flexible incomes will be pleased with the inflow this week. Your work will be both pleasant and lucrative.

Interested in a personal horoscope? Call Vivian Carol at 704-987-2258. Website: