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For week of May 23-29, 2002


For All Signs The theme of Saturn opposite Pluto, that we have experienced since spring of '01, continues to drum. Saturn represents the status quo, the consequences of our actions for good or ill, and experience as a human teacher. Demanding attention from the opposite direction is Pluto, planet of inevitable transformation. The theme of forced change is even more exaggerated at this time by the eclipsed full moon in Sagittarius, which occurs at 7:51 am EDT on May 26. Challenges that have been long in the making are arriving at critical junctures and will not be avoided. Each of us must embrace our personal shadow, inquire what it is trying to communicate, and neutralize its toxins with understanding.

Aries The big issues are in the areas of siblings, in-laws, complications of communications, impeded travel, debt load, and possibly, career demands. It is unlikely you are dealing with all of these issues, but perhaps more than one. The current shorter cycle suggests help through friends or community contacts. Clear up straggling details from the last seven weeks and prepare to shift attention to property and family.

Taurus The eclipse energies are focused in the area of financial interests, intimacy and sexual issues. You may feel the need to reevaluate the territory of resources that you share with others. That could be money, goods, mutual favors, time and/or energy expended. While Mercury is retrograding there is a tendency to miss details, so use care if you are balancing books or managing other paperwork.

Gemini That which surfaces over the next three weeks will somehow be a repetition of previous events. You have the opportunity now to change your responses and behavior, if things did not go well the last time around. Be kind to your physical body. Listen to its messages. You and significant others may need to review old issues and find fresh and improved resolutions.

Cancer You are a Moon Child, and therefore more strongly affected emotionally by eclipse periods. This one will continue through June. There may be one or more crises. You have a great deal of experience with emotional ups and downs, and you know how to help yourself handle them. Make it a point to get plenty of sleep, follow your exercise program and take your vitamins through this time.

Leo This is a period in which communications may be confused or misleading. It is also possible you will learn new information about things which have occurred in the past that sheds an entirely new light on circumstances of the present and your sense of identity. The eclipse pattern focuses attention on issues concerning children, creative works, and social connections or organizations to which you belong.

Virgo Be prepared for alterations in your schedule due to changes of information or circumstances. There will be one or more balls tossed into the air which put some of your plans on hold while you wait for a piece of critical information. Whatever you expect to occur will likely change character, maybe more than once, before it is finished. Whatever happens, smile and blame Mercury retrograde. Libra An emotional injury from the past may resurface again through your career or family life. Make an effort to stay in the present if you have disagreements with others. However, within yourself it may be helpful to probe for the old triggers, let them speak to you, and then choose to set them aside. Travel may be problematic. Backup everything important concerning data and records.

Scorpio The big issues are in the areas of balancing the budget, handling joint or corporate finances, grief over immutable events, issues of trust, sexuality and intimacy. You have been learning a lot in the last year about the practical realities of managing the material world. Though you may grieve over the past, a new dawn is just beyond the horizon. Look forward, not backward.

Sagittarius Your partner and/or clientele are dealing with multiple complex issues. You may have experienced major difficulties with each other in past months. If there is room in your heart to offer help, understanding, and compassion, now is the time to do so. You may wish you could force a particular desired outcome, but the spirit of mutual agreement must be there or it will not hold for long.

Capricorn Your load has been heavy for a number of years, and it has been hard on you physically and emotionally. Surely you have moments when you think you might as well turn in your savior badge. The worst of the burdens is almost at its end, so keep putting one foot in front of the other and things will lighten soon. Don't allow fear to run the show now.

Aquarius Worries concerning children or grandchildren have absorbed much of your time and attention for a long time. If you do not have children, then we are talking about creative ventures, which are children of your spirit. A crisis may occur within the next few weeks which will force matters to a point of improved resolution. Educational discipline with a strong dose of compassion is needed.

Pisces When life gets rough, the Fish often seek escape or solace from problems. For the present you do not have access to one or more of your customary fallback mechanisms. This is a time to be practical and evaluate issues directly. It may be a challenge to resolve problems concerning property, home, and family matters. Going back to the beginning and starting fresh may be the best choice.

Interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-987-2258 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Website: