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April 16 – April 22, 2008



Aries The Ram: (March 20 -- April 19)

This is an exciting period for you, particularly in relation to career and life goals. Ideas you have been working with for weeks are now materializing. The Powers that Be in your world favor you and your ideas now. "Ask and it shall be granted."

For All Signs: As a collective, humankind is operating at roughly the age of 17. We have wrecked the car and do not know what to do next. An important cosmic message is written in every indicator we have on the books: Choose maturity. It is imperative that each of us begins to practice adopting attitudes that acknowledge self-responsibility in every matter of our concern. If we can't get along in the office with the neighbor at the next desk, is it really because that person is simply a jerk? (The answer here is "no.")

Taurus: You have a need to be alone and quiet during this period. That is why social life is not going so well. Give attention to your inner life and notice what your thoughts may be manifesting. Is it really what you want in your future?

Gemini: There is a shift of your attention to matters of your personal history that may go back quite a long time. You will be looking inside yourself for meditative peace, answers to serious questions and encouragement from your source.

Cancer: You have a need to connect with the spiritual in whatever way works for you. Some do so through being with their art, such as gardening or painting. Others will be reading spiritual material or sharing ideas with close friends.

Leo: You are being recognized as a leader in your work in the world. You know there is strong support behind the scenes, without which this accomplishment could not have happened. You may have a new job, a new title, and pay shows signs of promise, given hard work.

Virgo: One piece of your long-held plan is now falling into place. You needed the additional help of someone from a distance, the Internet, legal or spiritual approval. You know that you still have far to go, but this success makes it all look possible!

Libra: You and a lover or your child have the opportunity to be of mutual support and healing this week. You will become aware of intuitive messages, especially on the 18th and 19th. Beware The Critic, who masks as intuitive fear. Real intuition drops in from nowhere and brings surprising messages.

Scorpio: Your skills and talents are being recognized in the workplace. At this time you are able to speak eloquently about things that are important to you and people take notice. Love and social life are favored.

Sagittarius: Your energy level is strong. You may be tempted to spend more money than you have during this period or make other impulsive moves that you might regret later. If you feel bent upon cleaning up debt, then you are moving in the right direction.

Capricorn: An important piece of the puzzle has fallen into place and now you can move forward with your long-awaited plans. Activities involving education, the law, traveling, and children are highly favored. Love life is improved and happier.

Aquarius: This is a favorable period for spiritual work in your life. If you seek to satisfy the wants of the ego, you may fail. But whenever you seek a sense of connection to that which is Beyond, you have instant results. Write down what you experience, feel, "hear," and think.

Pisces: You may be aware of how active your intuition has become this spring. If you listen, you are probably receiving "messages" of all kinds and may encounter meaningful coincidences. Your dreams may be particularly vivid. Accept what is loving and positive. Question the veracity of that which is negative.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Web site: