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2008 Annual Horoscope



For All Signs: A separate column will be published next week that describes the global picture of 2008. In the meantime, see below for your sun and/or ascending signs to get a peek at the year in advance.

Aries: Mars, your ruling planet, has been retrograding since mid-November. It slows everything through the winter while you contemplate what you want to do next. Action picks up about mid-March. During the first quarter you will be evaluating a relationship or a project. If it is a good one, there will be a celebratory occasion by the middle of March. Through May your general attention will be on property, family and security needs. In September, you will seal a deal or start a new partnership, business or romantic. Throughout the year you will recognize the need to organize the details of your life, at work, home and personally. It is important for you to focus more time and discipline in the area of health. November through December is a period of high strain and may include travel, along with general worry overload. Take your vitamins.

Taurus: You are moving into a long period in which education, formal or otherwise, becomes intensely important in your life. Your spiritual ideas will also be changing. Travel, whether of the spirit or of the body, will be a prominent feature throughout 2008. Expansion of the boundaries of your life is beginning now and will continue for several years. In order to proceed, you will have to risk leaving a condition or even a person behind. That is scary, especially in March, but it is the right thing to do if you want to grow. A new relationship to yourself and to another will begin in May. During the months of May to June, gather clarity about your direction because it will require concentration to take the journey. You do not want to be conflicted on the path. The last quarter marks a time of meeting people and going everywhere.

Gemini: Take time to think carefully before beginning new activities through March. March is socially and romantically active. Throughout the year it is time to give serious attention to investments and joint property. Don't simply hide your savings in a mattress or give it to a broker and forget it – study how best to use it. A time of especially good fortune concerning property and shared resources occurs in April. In early May through June 10, it is more favorable for you to be reflecting and thinking about your next phase in life. Set big decisions aside until the clearly right answer comes. Travel is prominent through July and early August. The pace of September will be odd. Everything begins in a rush of plans and activity, followed by a fairly immediate curbing while you think again. Then from mid-October to the end of the year, things move into forward motion.

Cancer: For the next year and a half, many of your hours will involve organizing financial matters, correcting your will and claiming what is owed to you. It is probable that you will benefit through the resources of others during that period. You may be the recipient of an inheritance or other gifts. Your interest in the mysteries of life and death both deepen. During the second quarter your mind may be a million miles away, pondering and searching your spiritual beliefs. The late summer will present you with issues of sharing. The last quarter brings you to study yourself in relationship to significant others. Do you like the direction of things? Is there something that needs to be resolved in order to move forward?

Leo: There may be a lot of talk and no real action for the first quarter. You probably know what you want to do, but your partner and significant others cannot find clarity. These important people are likely to be fuzzy-minded all year. The times of particular stress in relationship(s) occur in February and also in August. For those who are single but involved, this is the year to recreate the relationship or let it go. This is a very fine year to begin a significant new health routine. Your usual daily routine, work environment, coworkers and employees bring positive changes into your life. You will be restructuring finances, due to a desire to develop a long-term investment. Save carefully because in the last quarter there will be sudden expenses to handle. Late May, June and July are the most social months of the year.

Virgo: Now is the time to redefine yourself and your life direction. You've known it for over a year, and by the late summer of 2007 it became starkly clear. It may be lonely on the path for a couple of years, but the effort will give you new life. Let the past go. Keep only what and who is truly important to you. Between now and the summer of 2009, the main project is to blend what is at your core and unchangeable with a new and improved self. This undertaking will be a test of confidence and creativity, but it is timely now. If your wish is to have children or encounter a new lover, it likely will be granted this year. You will be fuzzy-minded in latter April. In the months of May and June, you likely will travel to some place you have been in the past. September through October is a time to pause and think carefully about the next steps. In November through December you will begin the new project in earnest.

Libra: You are sliding into a less visible role in your career. This is a natural stage of life. Let it be. Throughout the year your desire for a sense of security is becoming a higher priority and you are finding ways to arrange your life in order to require less income. You may need to sell property to lighten your load and to prepare for the coming phase of life. You could be redecorating or arranging your home to adapt to business needs. Late January, early February and early May are sterling times to sell at a profit. In April a relationship comes to a point of evaluation. Good ones continue affirmed. During September and October, Mercury will be retrograding in your sign, suggesting you need to rethink your plans. Don't sign on the dotted line. A new relationship is possible in September. Adapt to changes in the work situation for the time being. Prepare for major change in a year or two.

Scorpio: Pluto, your planetary ruler, is on the cusp of its transition into Capricorn during 2008. The probability is strong that you are thinking seriously about a drastic change in your life. It likely includes moving, and perhaps you will be considering education. The last time you made such a change was around 1995. Through the first quarter you will be concentrating on paying off debt, collecting debts and saving money. Relationship(s) may be challenging but you will hold your tongue. Relationship high spots occur mid-March, April, early June through July and again in August. Be cautious of a new situation or relationship that begins in September because there may be a deception involved. Mars returns to your sign for a renewal of energy in October through November. Stay on the right side of the law in December.

Sagittarius: The Archers are bringing a life journey of 13 years to completion at this time. As Pluto entered your sign in 1995, it brought massive change in lifestyle, choices and challenged your sense of identity. You are emerging as a stronger, wiser human being. These 12 years have been like a trip through the enchanted forest. Just as the mythic Hero of literature, you want to bring back all those valuable lessons to those at home. But it is all just too massive to convey. Now that you have been totally transformed, the next year of the journey will be focused on making practical use of your wisdom. You are by nature a teacher, and you need to find a venue to share what you have learned. You must become qualified by the "rules" to give credence to your life experience. September brings rewards of a social and career nature. In November and December, you have more to manage than you think you can, but you will succeed.

Capricorn: This is the year that Pluto, planet of transformation, stands at the cusp of your sign. You are surely already aware of a fear/hope/desire for big change. If you are not planning to create one for yourself, it will be built around you during the next couple of years. You are likely to take on the mantle of more power. Sometimes Pluto brings significant money. He will not be a friend to those who become arrogant with power, so give attention to your attitude. Saturn, your ruling planet, will be in favorable aspect to your endeavors for two years. It will bring business from distant places and may involve travel or the internet. New business relationships develop in the months of August and September. Throughout the year you will be dealing with a balancing act between tradition and unconventionality.

Aquarius: One side of you is devoted to maintaining the status quo and following the rules. Another side of you is the rebel deluxe, the one who always colors outside the lines. You probably feel much more comfortable in one mode or the other. Whichever way is your norm, through 2008 and much of 2009, you will encounter your opposite. If you prefer rules and order, circumstances will frequently press you beyond your habits. And if you are the rebel, others will force you to fly according to the standards. The point of this juggling act is to help you attain truer Aquarian balance in your attitudes. Put off important decisions during January and February. June through September will be focused on personal healing and improving health, whether that be emotional or physical. The last quarter brings you squarely to the point of changes that must be made in your life in order to achieve equilibrium.

Pisces: You will be accessing your former and present community contacts in a positive and purposeful way. Give particular attention to the new person(s) that cross your path in mid-February and again in the April-through-May period. These are times that you will encounter Teachers. Throughout the year you will be "studying" the issue of freedom versus responsibility. Overdoing either will bring almost immediate reprisal. Business may be a challenge. You need to update your self-presentation. Don't allow old habits to hold you back. Many who report to a superior are entering a difficult, but normal stage of career life. One or more people above you are somehow threatened by your presence. Do not worry about this. You are highly skilled and will last beyond the nemesis. This discomfort will last no more than two years.