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Stargazer 2011 Annual Forecast, Part II



Aries: Uranus enters your sign during the first quarter and this is your signal to begin some of the radical changes you have been dreaming about for the last two years. It will be prominent in Aries for the following seven years. Uranus brings topsy-turvy conditions, so even if you don't initiate it, changes are going to happen that will press you to see the world and yourself in a different way. Issues that reflect some type of risk will be front and center during the first half of the year. The probability is strong that you will choose to expand your territory, take the risk, and move out into the world in spite of the fact that partners are reluctant. Some of you will depart partnerships that are too restrictive. April is the centerpoint of significant challenge. It will take all your strength to hold to your identity against opposing forces. Mercury retrograding in your sign at that time might cause you to back off for a more strategic moment. There will be less opposition in May and June. May has some highly favorable aspects that will help you attract what you want and need. A new passion may enter your life during the 2nd quarter. The next challenging moments come during August when there will be pressures on multiple fronts. You are on a warrior's path, seeking truth and justice for all. The pace slows at last during the 4th quarter and you will be ready to lay down your sword for a temporary rest.

Taurus: You begin by making improvements on a relationship issue that plagued you during the last quarter of 2010. Your financial resources will be increasing as the year continues onward. New people and situations that enter your life during February are likely to have a significant impact on your future. Improvements and favorable circumstances related to career are noticeable in March. Don't put yourself out in front in April lest someone chop off your head. Be still then and allow circumstances to come to you. May is especially prominent in the romance department. You will be starting or refreshing an important relationship at that time. July is the most challenging month of the year with issues in a variety of places. A confusing or deceptive work situation may trap you. Avoid gossip and keep your mouth zipped lest you become a target. September/October will find you developing a new health routine or altering your daily schedule to accommodate new personal needs. In October relationship conflicts will take priority but you will soon adjust to a better way of communicating. November and December are higher stress months in which you may wonder once again whether you are being deceived. Take the moderate path.

Gemini: This year brings in new vistas concerning friendships and community activities for you. If you have been one who is normally too caught up in these relationships, you may essentially walk out to free your time. On the other hand, if you have not been a joiner in the past you may find yourself attracted into a much bigger community of like-minded souls. The Mercury retrograde in the territory of associations during the month of April may cause you to change position in relation to these factors. The early seeds of disillusionment with your career and life goals are creeping onto your radar through the year. The early seeds of disillusionment with your career and life goals are beginning to grow through the year. You are beginning to prefer focus on a more spiritually or emotionally fulfilling lifestyle. It will probably be 2012 before you actually materialize the new direction. In June there are two eclipses which clearly point to important decisions/perceptions concerning your primary relationship(s). You will need to recognize worn out patterns of behavior and concentrate upon updating your attitudes and behavior. Your ruling planet, Mercury, will be retrograde during August and again in November/December. Set aside contracts and big decisions until a better time.

Cancer: The cosmic energies have arranged for you to experience six eclipses this year instead of the usual four. Therefore, this is a year of major significance, beginning off the top with one last eclipse in your partnership/clientele house on Jan. 4. Life in that territory has changed for the better in the last 18 months and only you know how necessary that was. Look for more improvement in that area during January. A shift of focus begins in February in the areas of work-related relationships, usual life routine and health maintenance. Diet, exercise and improvement of physical regimen will serve you well. Honing your management systems in personal and work arenas is necessary to improve the efficiency of the daily work routine. The months of May through July are particularly important in these areas. You may be developing a significant mentor relationship during 2011. Your age determines whether you are the teacher or the pupil. Look for a big change in your life tasks, perhaps career, in March/April. The month of August will be loaded with challenges and hard work, but you will definitely be up to the task. You may become a warrior on behalf of yourself or someone else at that time, especially so in the second half of the month moving into September. The last quarter of the year will bring a quieter period which is truly deserved.