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Side Vaping Effects and Ways to Eliminate it



The side effects of vaping can come in different forms, and although electronic cigarettes are not considered toxic or risky to health, such effects can certainly appear due to their use. However, these effects are highly variable, as too many factors can influence, such as the type of e-liquid, kind of vape pens, the amount of vaping per day, previous health conditions, etc.

There is a lack of medical studies and official research to support accurate statistics in this regard. Moreover, the existing studies focus on general health and no side effects.

To compensate for this, the information in this article comes from keywords provided by Google about people's searches on the subject, from our experience with vaping customers, and from vaping forums in the United States. This is how we started our list.

Dry Mouth from Vaping

We will put it first on the list because it is one of the most known effects. Excessive vaping causes thirst. This effect is related to the base in e-liquids in general: PG and VG (propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin).

It is reported that the higher the PG of the liquid, the more it causes thirst when vaping. If you become extremely thirsty, any mouthwash will quickly quench your thirst. So naturally, drinking water should quench your thirst.

Scratchy Throat

A burning or scratchy throat can be caused by the components of the e-liquid or by the configuration of your coils. If the coils are burned or overheated, they can generate metallic particles that scratch the throat.

Another factor related to a scratchy throat is that the nicotine in the e-liquid is too high. If this persists, try switching liquids, as most cases seem to be caused simply by the e-liquid.

In the case of coils, it is reported that nichrome coils (usually listed as Ni80) can cause some raspor, so switching to stainless steel Kanthal is recommended.

Coughing while Vaping

Coughing problems are usually reported by people who are just starting to vape. Remember that it is very different to hit the cigarette than to inhale the vapor. In my experience, the more cigars people smoke, the more accustomed they are to hitting the cigarette. When they switch to inhaling vapor, they are not used to inhaling the vapor.

This is solved by simply lowering the dose of nicotine in the e-liquid, checking the air inlets in the atomizer that are completely open or checking that the coils are not burned (in the case of using commercial coil atomizers).

For beginners, it is not recommended to use more than 6mg of nicotine in the e-liquid, as it easily causes coughing. Also, since inhaling vapor is direct to the lungs, when doing so, try never to close your throat, as this automatically causes coughing.


Headache is very common for people who have just quit smoking and started vaping. Although you get a dose of nicotine, it is not the same type of nicotine alkaloid found in tobacco.

Tobacco alkaloids have a physiological effect on the user, and when you stop using them, they have side effects. The nicotine in tobacco is composed of approximately 95% alkaloid content. This alkaloid component increases physical nicotine dependence. So for people who have recently quit smoking, the nicotine in regular e-liquids may not be enough to prevent headaches.

These headaches are not only caused by quitting tobacco's nicotine alkaloids but also by other chemicals the body asks for from the cigarette. So it is just a simple de-intoxication process.

In other minor cases reported, headaches can be caused simply by dehydration. By drinking water or hydrating properly, they should go away.

Vape Dizziness

Similar to the effect of smoking for the first time, it is not uncommon to experience dizziness when vaping, especially if you use a pod with nicotine salts. However, even for experienced people, sometimes using a very high dose of nicotine generates normal dizziness.

The dizziness comes mainly from a high dose of nicotine. The body must get used to the dose. If you get dizzy constantly, simply lower the nicotine dose.

Weight Loss from Vaping

There is no clear evidence of weight loss from vaping, even if nicotine is used for vaping. What is known is that nicotine is an appetite suppressant, especially in the context of smoking. That said, since nicotine is a stimulant like caffeine, it may be involved in burning fat.

However, burning fat and losing weight is not the same thing. There is no conclusive way to say that by vaping, you lose weight. Still, we can say that due to the stimulant nicotine and in many cases of people who vape sweet flavored e-liquids, the loss of appetite is reduced, therefore the intake of sugars.

On the other hand, quitting vaping can lead to increased anxiety and sugar intake, leading to weight gain.

Vaping Nausea

If you feel nausea from vaping, it is most likely caused by too high a dose of nicotine. These effects are similar to other nicotine replacement therapies, such as patches or gum.

Too high a dose of nicotine can also cause some effects on the stomach, such as irritation or heartburn. This is especially reported with nicotine salts that have concentrations above 25mg of nicotine. Reducing nicotine reduces nausea.

Fatigue or tiredness from vaping

Paradoxically, nicotine can work as a relaxant and stimulant, depending on the dose. So if nicotine generally causes an increase in your mental alertness, it is normal that afterward, you experience a drop, as when you use caffeine to wake up or get rid of tiredness when the effect wears off, so does tiredness.

The problem here does not come from vaping alone. It comes from using stimulating substances to maintain a rhythm. The solution is to improve your diet. Higher consumption of fruit and vegetables automatically reduces tiredness and fatigue.

Chest Pain from Vaping

There can be several reasons for experiencing chest pain when vaping. In most cases, it is reported by people who have just replaced cigarettes by vaping.

If you experience chest pain, it could be from too much heat (too much wattage), too high a dose of nicotine, or some specific components of the e-liquid you are consuming. For example, many people have reported that flavors containing cinnamon flavor generate chest pain.

To avoid these pains, a proper change of coils, atomizer, and e-liquid should resolve the issue. If the pain persists, it may be a serious health issue unrelated to vaping, and you should see a doctor.

Final Perspective on Vaping Side Effects

Mostly, side effects are related to nicotine dosage and use. Any of the above side effects are directly associated with similar effects of cigarette replacement therapies (patches or gum).

With that said, we know that little of the above is not unique to vaping. The key is to remember that vape pens are not a health product. They are simply a much safer alternative to smoking and a method of cigarette replacement.

If you are one of the millions who vape instead of smoking, you will know that these effects are nothing compared to the high health risks of smoking.

Don't forget the safety precautions for smoking e-cigarettes. Once you have read these recommendations, you can start choosing the best vape pen.