Lectures, Classes & Seminars

Schloss Annual Summer Dinner and Lecture

When: Fri., Aug. 3 2012

Temple Beth El’s Schloss Summer Dinner and Lecture,“The Bible Belt, Banks and Barbecue: Charlotte on an International Stage” is open to the public, and is free of charge on August 3rd at 7:30 pm. Reservations for the 7:15 pm dinner are required by August 1st (www.beth-el.com/RSVP). In light of the Democratic National Convention being held in Charlotte this September, we have invited dynamic guest lecturers to Temple to help us explore - from religious, economic, urban and global viewpoints - the ways in which the city of Charlotte might be viewed on an international stage. For more information, visit http://www.beth-el.com/schlosssummerlecture.html.

Price: $10 members; $14 non members
