When: Tue., May 20, 7:30-10 p.m. 2014
The Carolina Theatre Preservation Society is pleased to present for ONE NIGHT ONLY, the 1955 James Dean and Natalie Wood classic film, Rebel Without a Cause. (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0048545/?ref_=nv_sr_2) When: May 20, 2014 Time: 7:30 PM Cost: $7.50 ($1.50 service fee applies per ticket) Tickets available at: www.studiomoviegrill.com 100% of the proceeds benefit the Carolina Theatre Preservation Society. www.carolinatheatre.us. www.facebook.com/OfficialCarolinaPreservationSociety
Price: $7.50 ($1.50 service fee per ticket sold)