Photos: March on Wall Street South 

Photos taken Sunday, Sept. 2, by Grant Baldwin. (Text by Ana McKenzie)
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Activists take the stage at Frazier Park, where Sunday’s Coalition to March on Wall Street South began. The PA system was powered entirely by solar energy, sourced through panels just a few feet away from the stage. They practice what they preach.
Members of the group Code Pink speak out against American-delivered drone strikes in the Middle East. Even though the ladies dressed in pink, they weren’t to be messed with.
Estimates of the crowd size varied between 700 and 2,000. It’s safe to say, a shitload of people showed up.
Cops from as far away as Washington D.C. lined the crowd of protesters the entire time. As the march started, one told another “fuckin’ three miles,” regarding the length of the protest route. Dressed in full-length black outfits, we don’t blame them for being a little sassy.
The March on Wall Street South in all its glory.
Protesters make their way through Uptown.
The cumbia band could be heard from the front and back of the group.
Loan Tran, a Charlottean and member of United 4 the Dream, has spent the past year organizing Sunday’s protest. Safe to say, she needed the rest.
The weary rest.
Signs. Lots of signs.
The front of the group. Occupy Charlotte member Michael Zytkow, another organizer, admitted he was nervous that not many people would show up to the march. “Numbers have always been our problem.” At the end, he was all smiles. “This was amazing.”
Activists take the stage at Frazier Park, where Sunday’s Coalition to March on Wall Street South began. The PA system was powered entirely by solar energy, sourced through panels just a few feet away from the stage. They practice what they preach.
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