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One Man's Trash

Nice Bag, Mate


The Weird: Looking for a designer purse that's more trendy than Fendi? Advertised as "appearing to be of leather," the bags offered for sale at this web address are crafted out of genuine kangaroo scrotum ("no stitches to be found anywhere on the bag," the seller advertises. Gosh, I'd sure hope not, at least for the kangaroo's sake). These are apparently called "lucky bags" in Australia (not so lucky for the kangaroo, one imagines).


The Wonderful: Georgia artist R.A. Miller was one of six artists TV Guide magazine contacted to design a special cover featuring the American Flag on a post-September 11 issue. Miller is 89 years old, and works in the same outsider style popularized by Howard Finster in the 1980s. Miller's works certainly fluctuate in quality, but for under $50, this patriotic work by Miller seems sure to appreciate at least moderately, especially given the current demand for flag symbolism in art (calling Jasper Johns, wherever you are. . .).
