Nikki | Lust List | Creative Loafing Charlotte

Bad Habits » Lust List


Recon control analyst/Bobcats cheerleader


What is your biggest turn-on?

Sarcasm. For some reason I'm drawn to that sarcastic sense of humor. And then, of course, looks. I like the kinda shaggy-haired guy. Someone athletic and doesn't take longer to get ready than me.

How would you describe your perfect date?

I could do just dinner. Drinks out on the town. Take me to a sporting event. Run into some friends. Meet their friends; have them meet my friends. I'm pretty easygoing.

What food do you associate with feeling sexy?

Strawberries with chocolate.

What's the last book you read?

Lipstick Jungle by Candace Bushnell. Actually, just last night I saw that they were turning it into a TV show. The book wasn't fabulous.