"Dil Bole Hadippa," a romantic comedy set in Punjab. In a village where girls don't play cricket, Veera Kaur has to become a man to fulfill her dreams. Disguised by a turban and fake beard, she becomes Veer Pratap Singh, and her brilliance on the field earns her a place in Rohan's team. Then begins a roller-coaster journey of Veera, Rohan and Veer filled with music, romance and comedy through Punjab and beyond.
Official Site: www.yashrajfilms.com/microsites/dbh/dbhwebsite.html
Director: Anurag Singh
Writer: Jaya - Aparajita
Producer: Aditya Chopra
Cast: Rani Mukherjee, Shahid Kapoor, Anupam Kher, Rakhi Sawant and Sherlyn Chopra
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