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Letters to the editor


The Greater Tragedy

You were able to capsule "state of denial" and the 9/11 investigation in two pages ("The colossal blunder" by John Grooms, March 19). It boggles my mind how so many Americans can still be so blind to the blatant facts before their eyes. It's somewhat like a compulsive gambler who continues to throw more and more money into the pot despite continued losing.

In my lifetime, no greater tragedy has befallen us than the Bush presidency. Where we were once loved, respected and appreciated, we are now scorned, hated and mocked. Thank you, George. Cowboy mentality has replaced common sense, expert opinion and experienced commanders in the field.

The greatest tragedy is that even if the war were over tomorrow, the ramifications of death, destruction and financial cancer will continue for numerous years before us. Given the history of our country, one day the financial woes will rebound but the families who have lost loved ones will suffer those senseless losses forever.

Thanks again for a well written article.

-- Richard Veckruise, Charlotte