Lauren | Lust List | Creative Loafing Charlotte

Bad Habits » Lust List


Sales manager


What is your biggest turn-on?

Ambition. Drive. That, to me, is the most attractive thing because it goes a lot farther than your looks. Sometimes you can be deceived by guys looking really good and there ends up being nothing upstairs.

How would you describe your perfect date?

I don't really like dates. So, I always want to meet at Cosmos or something for maybe sushi and appetizers or a drink. If it goes well, then we can go on from there. You can usually tell in the first 15 minutes.

What food do you associate with feeling sexy?

Raspberries. [They're] my favorite. Champagne, but that's not really food.

What's the craziest thing you've ever done?

For Jack Daniel's promotions, we work in strip clubs. They'll put me onstage as a judge or something, and I'll have 5 or 6 girls dancing on me in front of a crowd. I also jumped off a 100-foot cliff at Rick's Café in Jamaica.