Landon | Lust List | Creative Loafing Charlotte

Bad Habits » Lust List




What is your biggest turn-on?

Girls that smile at me. Great body. She [dresses] like she has some common sense.

How would you describe your perfect date?

Hit the gym, then go change. Go get something to eat [at a] nice, chill, sit-down spot. Then, I'd like to go to a place where we can interact with people. Then after that, go out to a spot like HOM -- but not like you have to dance the whole time. You can just chill out with a drink and whatever happens, happens.

What food do you associate with feeling sexy?

Pick a food.

What was the last book you read?

From Niggas to Gods by Akil. It outlined some things [the black community] should do as a whole to uplift and empower [itself]; to become better people, individually.