It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that things are difficult. - Seneca
There is a funny thing that happens when you move forward with courage. There is an energy that swells around you, as if the Cosmos itself is desiring what you desire. And perhaps the Cosmos IS desiring what you desire. Because you are an integral part of what Dr. Gafni calls, the cosmoerotic universe.
I don’t have the breadth of knowledge to discuss the ontology of a cosmoerotic universe… yet. But even the idea that the Cosmos is desiring what you desire is a provocative concept. Perhaps this is what Seneca is talking about or what Rumi meant when he said, “What you are seeking is seeking you.”
Pretty much every great success story begins with the same trope: “Everyone told me it was impossible.” Well guess what. It’s fucking possible. This is the nature of an infinite universe. There is a timeline where exactly what you believed was impossible for you, is possible.
But the necessary first step in crystallizing your highest timeline from the quantum goo of potentiality, is to dare.
Just fucking dare. Feel the wind rustle your feathers as the Cosmos hears your desire and agrees with you. Because the Cosmos is you.
This week’s podcast is an example of a story that seemed impossible. Shawn Chester was a prince of Las Vegas. He was Steve Wynn’s right hand man for nightlife operations and found himself in incredibly dark situations. Around minute 15, you have to hear his story of being kidnapped and initiated in Macau—it’s one of the most mind blowing things I have ever heard.
Many years ago, I took him on his first medicine journey with Don Howard and everything has changed. He is now building a Maloca with an indigenous tribe in Colombia to help guide people to ayahuasca for some incredibly challenging initiations. I can’t take credit for anything, he deserves all of it. He has more courage than most people I have ever met and exemplifies what it means to do the impossible. I can’t wait for you to hear this podcast, full of stories, inspiration, and wisdom from both sides of the spectrum.
In service,