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Howdy, Neighbor!

Mecklenburg's 445 Registered Sex Offenders

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You want diversity? You've got it. They don't come any more diverse than sex offenders. An analysis of the North Carolina sex offender registry system shows that convicted sex offenders live in every zip code in Mecklenburg County. Aside from being almost all male, sex offenders come in every race, size and shape. Some are in their early 20s. Others are pushing 70. As Mecklenburg County grows, so does its list of registered sex offenders. Since Creative Loafing last printed their names in July 2001, the number of registered sex offenders in Mecklenburg County has grown from 376 to 445. Of those, only 180 are under some sort of organized supervision associated with their probation or parole.

The list includes those convicted of taking indecent liberties with a minor, rape of a minor, incest, or crimes against adults ranging from sexual assault to rape. Some sex offenders have only one charge on their record. Others have rap sheets several pages long. Several have been convicted of victimizing both adults and children.

In 1996, Congress passed Megan's Law, named for seven-year-old Megan Kanka, who was raped and murdered by a man with two prior convictions for sexual attacks on children. The law requires that those convicted of certain sex-related crimes register their names and addresses with state and local authorities. The purpose of the registry law is not to punish sex offenders again for their crimes, but to provide the public easy access to centralized information about them -- information that is already part of the public record -- including their picture, what they were convicted of, and where they live.

When we published the sex offenders list two years ago, reaction was largely positive, but definitely mixed. Some readers felt we were intruding on the sex offenders' privacy and were, in effect, "punishing them twice." Other readers applauded us for caring enough about their children's, and their own, safety to risk alienating some readers by publishing the list. We held serious discussions about the issue here at CL; in the end, two things helped us decide to print an update of the list. One is the simple fact that we're merely reprinting what is already public information. This isn't top secret info; anyone can look it up on the web. But the deciding factor for us came down to a few readers' reactions to our 2001 list. We received nearly a dozen calls or letters from readers who thanked us profusely, some in tears, for alerting them to the fact that -- to cite a few cases -- "the guy down the street who's so friendly with kids" had a record of child molestation; or the next door neighbor "who stares at me a lot" has a couple of sexual assault convictions under his belt.

In North Carolina, the registration requirement applies to those convicted of a sex offense on or after January 1, 1996. Sex offenders' names remain in a public database for 10 years if they aren't convicted of a new crime. That 10-year period begins after they are released from prison or, if they weren't sentenced to prison, it begins immediately after conviction. If they move, they must inform the Mecklenburg County Sheriff's office of their new address.

The state's 7,419 sex offenders must re-register each year by returning a verification form mailed to their last reported address by the State Bureau of Investigation's Division of Criminal Information. Failure to re-register can result in felony charges. If convicted, another 10 years is automatically added to the original 10-year registration period.

Although it's not yet up and running, the sheriff's office will soon begin using a computer program called Sex Offender Automated Tracking System to help its staff keep track of sex offenders who fail to re-register or whose whereabouts are unknown. Since CL last published the county's sex offender list in 2001, over 50 sex offenders have been charged with failure to register.

The following lists are broken down by section of county and zip code. The listings include the sex offender's name, current address, date of conviction, and the crime committed.

Child Sex Offenders


28273CHARLES NATHAN BERMAN 7926 Forest Pine Dr./2-23-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

DONALD RAY MELTON Unknown/5-18-91/Indecent liberty with a minor

ANTHONY PAUL SMITH 16337 Circle Green Dr./8-11-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

ALAN JEFFERY WHITESIDES 2120-J Yager Creek Dr./9-27-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

28278FRANKLIN BIRCHFIELD 10813 Shopton Road West/4-12-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

NICHOLAS JAMES CASTANAS 15650 Sprucewood Rd./12-13-95/Indecent liberty with a minor

28210CHRISTOPHER LYNN BROUGHTON 2807 Hinsdale St./3-6-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

ALLOPEZ CARR 1900 Beehtree Ct. Apt 11/10-31-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

CANDY ANN COOKE 8939 Sharonbrook Dr./12-15-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

DOMINIQUE JAVARD CROWDER 1717 Sharon Road West/3-4-03/Indecent liberty with a minor

SHAUNN WAYNE GROGAN 3145 Heathstead Pl. Apt B/1-13-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

CARL JOSEPH KEEN 7903-7 Oak Meadow Ct./7-20-99/3rd degree sexual exploitation of a minor

JERRY WAYNE LAMBERT 7016 Quail Hill Road/1-6-03/Indecent liberty with a minor

GUSTAVO ADOLFO MANZANO 2009 Stoney Point Ln. Apt 26/2-7-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

RAHEEM SALEEM MORALES 9820 Cedar Circle Dr./1-9-02/Indecent liberty with a minor

DONALD ALLEN NANCE 6636 Sunview Dr./1-9-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

MARC ATLEE PUCKETT 6618 Old Reid Rd./4-30-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

BRIAN BUTLER STEELMAN 924 Camborne Pl./9-25-02/Indecent liberty with a minor

ALAN WAYNE TATE 7309 Woodstream Dr./5-4-01/Indecent liberty with a minor

FERRIS CLEON WHITE III Unknown/10-25-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

28227RAYMOND WILLIS BAUCOM 5955 Greystone Crossing Oak/4-1-02/Indecent liberty with a minor

WALTER RAY BENNETT 6522 Touchwood Dr./7-30-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

MICHAEL LEE BLOUNT 8530 Independence Bl. Rm. 344/4-1-03/Indecent liberty with a minor

KEITH JOSEPH CHATELAIN 6618 Paloverde Ln./9-18-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

BARRY GLENN CROOKS 11217 Coble Rd./6-14-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

JAMES EDWARD HALAS 7364 Elwood Dr./10-15-01/Indecent liberty with a minor

ALPHONZO JEROME HOOVER 8610 Cancun Way/6-10-92/Indecent liberty with a minor

RONALD CHARLES JAMES II 6605 Allen Black Rd./4-28-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

HASSANE LAROUSSI 6301 Rockshire Dr./12-23-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

BILLY JOE MANNING JR. 6008 Falstaff Dr./11-2-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

ROBERT CLAYTON MOORE 8114 Dennis Rd./3-4-02/Indecent liberty with a minor

LARRY PERKINS 14620 Eaglebrook Dr./7-31-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

DAVID LEE ROBINSON 5733 Ganymede Pl./12-21-95/Indecent liberty with a minor, lewd acts with a child

DAVID MICHAEL SMITH JR. 5915 Oak Dr. Apt O/6-28-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

CALVIN EUGENE TALBERT 7929 Will Hill Dr./10-4-99/Indecent liberty with a minor
28270TYRONE DOUGLAS 6001-H Landmark Dr./9-22-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

DAMON LEE HARTZ 9203 Thorpe Ct./8-9-95/Indecent liberty with a minor

SEAN TAYLOR WATSON 3431-A Springs Dr./6-23-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

28226RICHARD MATTHEW BREESE 2020 Valencia Terrace/11-13-01/2nd degree sexual exploitation of a minor and distribution of sexual material

RODNEY LOUIS ELAM 4116 Bridgewood Ln./9-25-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

AARON MICHAEL ENGBORG 4624 Simsbury Rd. Apt C/8-9-95/Indecent liberty with a minor

FRANCIS SANCHO GAERLAN Unknown/10-22-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

CRAIG L GIBSON 10819 Treebark Dr./1-6-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

WILLIAM SCOTT LAIRSEY 11081 Running Ridge Rd./1-23-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

ROBERT DILLARD NORTON 7507 E Quailrood Dr./7-20-92/Indecent liberty with a minor and 3rd Degree sexual exploitation of a minor

RICO JEVON SADLER 6504 Walsh Blvd./3-5-01/Indecent liberty with a minor

MARGARET ASHLEY SPEAR 11024 Running Ridge Rd./4-1-03/Indecent liberty with a minor

28134CLIFFORD JACKSON HICKS12306 Buxton Dr./1-11-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

LORITA YVONNE STEVENSON 12911 Pinewell Apt 207/7-2-02/Indecent liberty with a minor

AARON LAMAR WHEELER 12915/201 Meadow Creek Ln./8-23-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

ERIC SEAN WILLIAMS Unknown/10-12-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

28277JULIAN PEKER 16451 Golden River Ln./3-27-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

ROBERT HUBBARD SIEBURG 9024-D2 Fishers Pond Dr./2-7-00/Indecent liberty with a minor


28203VERNON WILLIE ANTHONY 171 Wilmore Dr./5-4-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

BOBBY LEROY CHAVIS 408 E Worthington Ave./5-5-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

LARRY DONNELL COTTON Unknown/11-6-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

ELLIOT MORRISON CRENSHAW 318 E Kingston Ave. Rm. 10/9-29-94/Indecent liberty with a minor

JOHN HASTING CUTTER IV 2113 Scott Ave./1-25-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

JAMES BARTLEY LILES 318 Kingston Ave. Rm. 8/8-11-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

DARNELL CHESTER LITTLEJOHN 4909 Woodcrest Ave./11-4-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

JOHN JAY MELVIN 615 Miller St./9-14-94/Indecent liberty with a minor

ALBERT LEE SMITH 1714 Wickford Pl./6-2-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

28204TERRY CHISHOLM 612 Waco St./6-28-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

JAMES HORNE JR. 901 Central Ave./4-17-78/1st, 2nd degree kidnapping against a minor

JERONN DARIUS RAINEY 317 Baldwin Ave./6-16-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

28205JEFFERY STEVEN BARBOUR 3708 Driftwood Dr./6-26-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

MICHAEL A. BAXTER 1034 Charles Ave./8-2-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

THOMAS LOUIS BEATTY 5310 Montague St. Apt. 4/4-7-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

KENNY LEE BENFIELD 1343 1/2 St. Julian St./8-10-94/Indecent liberty with a minor

TED RABY BOST SR. 3129 Airlie St./4-19-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

CHARLES RALPH BURNS JR. 2123 Parson St./12-13-95/Indecent liberty with a minor

SEAN PATRICK COLLINS 2000 Commonwealth Dr./7-2-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

EARL EUGENE CRESS 548 Bramlet Rd. Apt. B/2-3-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

FRANKLIN DONALD CUMMINGS 4939 Central Ave./5-17-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

JIMMY DUNLAP JR. 3123-J Central Ave./10-15-01/Indecent liberty with a minor

JAMES RAY ERVIN 2739 Hilliard Dr./8-9-95/Indecent liberty with a minor

JAMES WYLIE ESTES 4042 Winedale Ln./8-28-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

DAVID ARNOLD GIST 1847 Arnold Dr./9-20-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

FELIX ALAN GRIER 1427-4 Iris Dr./9-27-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

FREDDIE LEE HANSON 925 Lunsford Pl./7-2-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

MARVIN WILLIAMSON HEATHERLY 1439 Pinecrest Ave./11-13-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

JACKIE DEAN HUFFIN 2732 Temple Ln./11-4-02/Indecent liberty with a minor

MICHAEL HOMER JOHNSON 1113 Herrin Ave./6-5-88/Indecent liberty with a minor

JOHN WILLIE JONES JR. 1800 Eastway Dr./9-27-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

OBRIAN BERNARD KELLEY 3343 Eastwood Dr./11-10-93/Indecent liberty with a minor

BARRY SCOTT MENKE 1700-1 Lookout Ln./10-10-95/Indecent liberty with a minor

WILLIE LEWIS MORRISON JR. 1726 Eastcrest Dr. Apt A/11-14-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

JOSEPH ANTHONY OTERO 2538 Emlin St./8-20-01/Indecent liberty with a minor

ALVIN CURTIS QUICK 1601 Seigle Ave./12-10-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

LEONARD CARTER REESE 3504 Warp St./4-14-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

KELVIN LEON ROBINSON 3027 N Sharon Amity Rd./6-22-95/Indecent liberty with a minor

CLYDE JAMES TANKERSLEY Unknown/10-22-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

TIMOTHY WAYNE TEZINO 1013 Pegram St./5-1-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

WILLIAM RICHARD WALLACE 3929 Langhorne Ave./9-25-89/Indecent liberty with a minor

DAVID L. WOODS 4947-15 Central Ave./2-11-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

28206JOSEPH ANTONIO CLOUD 1210 N. Tryon St./4-2-01/Indecent liberty with a minor

FRANCIS S. HORTON 1210 N. Tryon Men's Shelter/2-5-01/Indecent liberty with a minor

LORENZO HOWARD 519 W 28th St./3-13-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

JAMES CORWIN LANEY 500 Franklin Ave./8-1-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

TRAVIS DELOE LEGETTE 1735 Medford Dr./3-10-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

JESSIE O. MCNEELY 1210 N Tryon St./4-1-92/Indecent liberty with a minor

JOHNNY MACK MOUSSEAU JR. 7135 Albemarle Rd. Rm. 108/7-13-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

JOSE LUIS NAVARRO 1210 N Tryon St./4-19-95/Indecent liberty with a minor

TOMMY OWENS Unknown/1-24-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

EDWARD MAURICE RANDALL JR. 812 Justice Ave./4-2-02/Indecent liberty with a minor

DARRYL REDFERN 422 E 18th St./9-11-92/Indecent liberty with a minor

LEON JOHN REED 413 Drury Dr./2-20-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

WILLIE EDWARD ROBINSON 1403 N. Davidson St./3-7-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

RALPH STARR 1003 McArthur Ave./8-5-92/Indecent liberty with a minor

JOHN MELVIN WEATHERS 311 W 27th St./6-2-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

PAUL ALAN WEBSTER 2651 Olando St./7-1-02/Indecent liberty with a minor

ANTILEY DEWAYNE WILLIAMS 2300-5 Carmine St./5-28-02/Indecent liberty with a minor
28207CHAD ANTHONY FAGLER 2506 Cranbrook Ln./12-14-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

28209EMIL WILLIAMS AHRENS III 787 Sedgefield Dr./5-9-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

RANDALL B. CASSALS 2632 Park Rd. Apt. E/1-22-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

WILLIAM JOHN MILLRING 3126-136 Park Rd./Indecent liberty with a minor

JOHNNY SMITH 510 Belton St./7-21-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

28211MARCUS LEE ALLEN 3611-6 Colony Rd./11-27-01/Indecent liberty with a minor

GRANT BROWNING DAVIDSON 4221 Wright Ave./1-15-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

DEWEY MAURICE GRIFFITH 5959 Kirkpatrick Rd./12-23-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

RICHARD DAVID LESKODY 6825 Morganford Rd./4-12-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

28216JOHN LEE ALLEN JR. 3610 Kiley Ln./6-14/96/Indecent liberty with a minor

MICHAEL ANTHONY HALL 317 French St./7-22-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

CHARLES EDWARD HINTON 3012 Beatties Ford Apt. 14/8-1-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

MARCUS MAURICE KENNEDY 1940 St Paul St./9-24-02/Indecent liberty with a minor

GEORGE WILLIAM ROBINSON 1708 LaSalle St./12-3-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

LAWRENCE LAVERD WEBBER 2229 Irma St. Apt. B/3-3-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

CORRY R. WINCHESTER 1821 Griers Grove Rd. Apt. F/8-12-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

ROBERT LEE WRIGHT 2718 Cedarhurst Dr./7-1-99/Indecent liberty with a minor


28208ANTONIO JEROME BELL 4200 Hovis Rd. Lot 4/4-30-01/Indecent liberty with a minor

RICHARD CALDWELL 1724 Brooksvale St. Apt. B/1-10-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

ANTHONY ANTWAN COLLINS 600 Roberson Ave./8-13-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

LAWRENCE BERNARD CRANK 1525 Effingham Rd./8-19-94/Indecent liberty with a minor

ROBERT GREG CRANDOR 5802 Andrew Ward Ln./11-27-95/Indecent liberty with a minor

MARTRAI EZEKIEL DAVIS 4400 Hovis Rd./9-22-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

WILLIAM ANTHONY DAVIS 1623 Purser Dr./6-2-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

LANDON LAMAR DIAGO 1204 Grovewood Dr./3-6-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

JERMAINE EARL DIXON 4916 Morgan St./9-1-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

SHAYE LAMONT DUPREE 2401-A Kingspark Dr./1-10-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

LEROY FRANKLIN JR. 3035 Ross Ave./2-3-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

CHARLIE LEROY HARRIS JR. 5820 Monroe Rd. Rm. 116/3-31-95/Indecent liberty with a minor

LUTHER HOLDER JR. 2334 Morton St./12-8-92/Indecent liberty with a minor

HOWARD JAMES HOLLAND 4115 Blenhein Rd./8-9-95/Indecent liberty with a minor

JAMES B. HOLLOWAY 2403-111 Wilkinson Blvd./1-14-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

DONTA LAMONT HOPKINS 637 Miller St./3-3-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

DAVID ANTHONY JOHNSON 4517 Westridge Dr./5-24-02/Indecent liberty with a minor

VERNON RUSSELL KIRK 2400 Wilkinson Blvd. Rm. 219/5-6-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

HAROLD DEAN LANE 836 Wabash Ave./8-4-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

GEORGE WASHINGTON MASON 2926 Morson St./6-9-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

SHELTON CLENARD MCCORKLE 1548 Wickham Ln./2-17-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

EDWARD JEROME OLIVER 1314 Springmont Lane Apt. B/2-27-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

DANNY LEE POLCHOW 4413 Ashley Cr. Apt. A/5-2-94/Indecent liberty with a minor

BOBBY GENE PROCTOR 5509-A Airport Rd./5-25-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

JOHN ALLEN SHIPES 3906 Plainview Rd./2-19-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

HENRY LEE WELDON JR. 4404-4 Eddleman Rd./11-13-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

28214WILLIAM COLEMAN BAILEY JR.1418 Bradford Dr. Apt. 1/1-24-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

WILLIAM LEE BALANCE 9024 Mt. Holly Rd./6-1-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

PAUL CLIFFORD BROWN 812 Claremont Rd./3-4-02/Indecent liberty with a minor

MICHAEL DUANE BYERS 3900 Lance Wood Pl./5-28-02/Indecent liberty with a minor

KENNETH JEROME CHAVIS Unknown/12-15-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

JOHN ROBERT CLARKSON 9122 Elgin Dr./2-24-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

EDER ABRAHAM GONZALEZ 9734 Notebook Tr./4-30-01/Indecent liberty with a minor

SHELDON LYNN HUNTER 7730 Fieldridge Rd. Lot 39/2-26-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

ROBERT JOHN JENSKI 9110 Walkers Ferry Rd./1-5-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

CHARLES LUNSFORD Unknown/6-10-92/Indecent liberty with a minor

CHARLES TIMOTHY MCGEE 11000 Hilton Dr./1-31-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

SCOTT E. MEEKS 3701 Dawnhurst Ln./7-6-93/Indecent liberty with a minor

WILLIAM ROGERS MILLER 1012 Ashford Dr./2-19-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

RALPH CALDWELL MOBLEY JR. 8101 Metts Rd. Lot 3/2-6-02/Indecent liberty with a minor

HAROLD KENNETH SELF 237 Valley Dale Rd./7-31-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

BRIAN ANTHONY TERRY 8512 Hammonds St./2-4-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

GLEN ELMER WILLIAMS 9828 Willilyn Ln./8-29-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

28217MICHAEL ANTHONY ACKER 5208 Ruth Dr./7-20/98/Indecent liberty with a minor

CONTREA LONDELL BASKINS 601 Farhurst Dr. Apt. 25/4-3-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

CHARLES ANTHONY BATES 509 Westham Ridge Rd./7-26-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

STEVE CARLEE BOOKOUT 5905 Old Pineville Rd./2-14-02/Indecent liberty with a minor

DAVID EARL CHRISTENBURY 4416 S. Tryon St. Rm. 2120/1-19-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

ROBERT JAMES CRUMP 4731 Nations Crossing Rd./7-21-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

WILLIAM EDWIN DEMANGE 310 East Peterson Dr./11-13-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

HAZEL WESLEY FOSTER 1201 Scottsdale Rd./5-23-95/Indecent liberty with a minor

LEWIS BERTRAM HOWZE 4114 Dunwoody Dr./7-31-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

DEMARCUS DONTE IVEY 1222 Clanton Rd./ 8-24-00/1st, 2nd degree kidnapping against a minor

ANTHONY JOSEPH MANCINI Unknown/5-10-91/Indecent liberty with a minor

CHRISTOPHER LYNN MCNEAR 409 Stonepost Rd./7-21-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

MARTIN ENGARDO NUNEZ Unknown/6-30-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

DEVAN RAMAR SMITH 7631 Bramblewood Rd./8-3-01/Indecent liberty with a minor

SHEILA DENISE WALLACE 224 Scottie Pl./8-4-97/Indecent liberty with a minor


28212WILTON RICHARD BETHEL 7120 Wallace Rd. Apt. 1/3-23-95/Indecent liberty with a minor

DWAYNE LEE BROWN 5423 Albemarle Rd./2-27-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

ROBERT BLAIR GANTT 2701 Flintridge Dr./3-15-02/Indecent liberty with a minor

ROGER WILLIAM HILL 3919 Courtland Dr./2-22-93/Indecent liberty with a minor

WALTER CHARLTON HUGGINS 6401/93 Four Seasons Ln./4-1-02/Indecent liberty with a minor

RASHID HUSSAIN 5421 Hazelnut Cr. Apt. P/3-24-01/Indecent liberty with a minor

JOHN OLIVER JOHNSON 7810 Heatherdale Ct./10-18-94/Indecent liberty with a minor

BALIUS CORNELL MCLEAN 6609 E. Yateswood Dr./2-4-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

ERIC BRIAN MORRIS 5413 Albemarle Rd. Apt. V/9-16-92/Indecent liberty with a minor

DUSTIN VAUGHN PARRISH 6408 Piney Path Rd./5-2-02/Indecent liberty with a minor

DOMINIQUE GUY RORIE 2618 Cedarwild/2-22-94/Indecent liberty with a minor

KEVIN CLARK SHIKANY 8430 Huntdale Ct./12-01-94/Indecent liberty with a minor

JOHN DANA STEGALL 6306 Woodbend Dr./6-29-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

KENG VANG 5621-325 Paces Glen/3-30-01/Indecent liberty with a minor

RODNEY NORMAN WITHERS 4708-103 Twisted Oaks Rd./1-30-03/Indecent liberty with a minor

28215REYNALDO AGUILAR 3431 Eastway Dr./4-12-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

ROBERT JUNIOR AUSTIN 6317 McBride St./4-29-02/Indecent liberty with a minor

BRUCE BARKSDALE 10929 Goldpan Rd./5-24-01/Indecent liberty with a minor

SAMMIE LEE BARRETT 4615 Eastwycke Place Dr./5-26-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

ALBERT LEE BASKING 9317 Misenheimer Rd./3-24-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

CLINTON RAMON CEASAR JR. 911 Foxboro Ln./6-13-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

TYRONE CLEGG 6614 Duncroft Ln./7-20-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

KEVIN SCOTT COOK 11015 Goldpan Rd./7-30-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

SPENCER ALTON CRAWFORD 4510 Nicks Tavern Rd./7-1-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

ANGELO MAURICE DUNLAP 400 Stirrup Ct./7-19-94/Indecent liberty with a minor

WENDY HOLOCHER IANNARONE 6840 April Ln./6-4-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

DAMOND VASHONN MCELHANEY 4400 Sharon Chase Dr. Apt. G./12-14-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

XANTHUS NAKIA MURDAUGH 6911 Markway Dr./10-28-98/2nd degree sexual exploitation of a minor and distribution of sexual material

KARLA PAUL ROUNDS 3671 Huyton Ct./4-7-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

CHARLES Q WEED 7229 Doblinway Dr./2-22-94/Indecent liberty with a minor


28031DENNIS D. SCOTT 21212 Millard St./8-26-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

28078GARY DONALD BRIGHT 9335 Culcairn Dr./2-1-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

MICHAEL ANTHONY CONNOR 14001 Neely Rd./6-3-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

BARRY LEE MCANULTY JR. 12500 Vantage Point Ln./10-28-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

RICKY WAYNE MCCALL 11616 Sedalia Pl./3-10-95/Indecent liberty with a minor

JOEY DEAN PARRIS 7638 Henderson Park Rd./3-8-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

MICHAEL JOHN VORDENBERG 12126 Asbury Chapel Rd./3-12-01/Indecent liberty with a minor

28262KEVIN WAYNE BATTLES 10925 Magenta Ln./2-16-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

JASON BUCKLYE LINEBERGER 9528 Grove Hill Dr. Apt. 128/2-24-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

CLINT J. MARTIN 9808 Mary Alexander Rd. Apt. C/9-4-01/Indecent liberty with a minor

WILLIAM ARTHUR MOSS 1333 W Mallard Creek Church Rd./1-31-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

MATTHEW WAYNE WEBBER 1074 Varsity Ln./9-10-93/Indecent liberty with a minor

MATTHEWSMICHAEL ADAMS 614 Winterwood Dr./7-31-96/Indecent liberty with a minor

THOMAS RAYMOND BEAMON JR. 2921 Plentywood Dr./1-8-99/Indecent liberty with a minor

NOEMI HERNAN CIRZALDO 9772 Old Gate Dr./9-4-01/Indecent liberty with a minor

RICKY COBLE 3809 B Fincher Rd./8-12-97/Indecent liberty with a minor

ANTHONY FITZGERALD DAVIS 3821 Hunter Road Ln./10-17-01/Indecent liberty with a minor

WILLIAM JOSEPH KELLEY Unknown/9-22-94/Indecent liberty with a minor

SCOTT BERNARD LIDE 3013 Walsingham Ct./7-13-00/Indecent liberty with a minor

VENUS OZRA PALLO 1217 Gateshead Ln./7-23-01/Indecent liberty with a minor

RICHARD B. SCOTT 15009 Pawnee Tr./3-4-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

JIMMY WAYNE WILLIAMS 2908 Oak Haven MHP/7-30-98/Indecent liberty with a minor

ROGER BRENT WILSON 2200 Kimway Dr./9-17-01/Indecent liberty with a minor

Adult Sex Offenders


28273JEREMY JONES BARWICK 7722-F Ella Jane Lane/12-13-94/2nd degree rape

BRIAN KEITH BUNT 2112-H Yager Creek Dr./11-2-94/2nd degree rape

LONNIE D CHANCE 609 Gaywood Dr./6-12-96/1st, 2nd degree attempted rape

WILLIAM LEE CURRIER 11103 Whitlock Crossing Ct./5-24-94/1st, 2nd degree attempted rape

HAROLD BRYAN MACK 2124 Preakness Ct./5-19-94/1st, 2nd degree attempted rape

28210DWAYNE VINCENT LONG 5816 Sharon Rd./5-7-01/Incest between near relatives

WILLIAM JUAN TAYLOR 10211 Willow Bend Cir. Apt. 1E/4-19-96/2nd degree rape

28227VINCENT EDWARD BLACK 9224 Shackleford Terrace/8-28-01/Sexual offense with certain victims

RICHARD A. JONES 7025 Ravenglass Ln./1-16-86/2nd degree sex offense

28270JEREMY REUBEN KARABELA 8741 Lorraine Dr./10-22-01/2nd degree sex offense

28226FREDRICK ANTHONY GRECO 11159 Harrowfield Rd./5-23-94/2nd degree sex offense

28134GABRIEL J. GEROLD 11192 Downs Rd./10-13-95/2nd degree sex offense


28203KENNETH HARDING THOMAS 314 E Kingston Ave. Apt. 1/12-15-93/2nd degree sex offense
28204LONNIE DONNELL ROBINSON 729 Lamar Ave./12-3-97/2nd degree rape

MARTIN LEE STROUD JR. 428 Beaumont Ave./7-28-93/1st, 2nd degree attempted rape or attempted sex offense

28205VICTOR EUGENIO ACOSTA Unknown/1-26-95/2nd degree sex offense with force

WILLIE MARTIN ALEXANDER 815 E 19th St./3-26-02/Sexual offense with certain victims

HENRY D. DOZIER 2930 Dunn Ave./2-10-93/2nd degree rape

ANDY MARQUIS GANTT 1900 N. Harrill St./6-30-88/1st, 2nd degree attempted rape or attempted sex offense

LEONARD SYLVESTER HALEY 2400-126 E. Independence Blvd./6-4-96/2nd degree sex offense

RICHARD ALLEN HOBBS 1600 Richland Dr./12-4-95/2nd degree sex offense

ROBERT ARTHUR HUBBARD 1423-202 Eastcrest Dr./4-3-92/2nd degree sex offense

WILLIAM EARL HUMPHREY 1116 Academy St./5-27-98/Incest between near relatives

JERRY MINGO 2827 Georgia Ave./12-19-86/2nd degree sex offence

EZZARD CHARLES SCRIVEN 1310 Parkwood St./5-23-90/2nd degree sex offense

THOMAS GERALD YARBOROUGH 784 Sir Raleigh Dr./6-16-92/2nd degree rape

28206ROBERT JEROME AUTREY 1210 N. Tryon St. Men's Shelter/3-1-90/2nd degree rape

RONALD EUGENE BRICE 1210 N. Tryon St./4-24-96/2nd degree rape

TROY BRUCE JR. 4438-3 Central Ave./7-1-92/2nd degree sex offense

CLEVELAND DRAKEFORD 2908 Bancroft St./6-1-92/2nd degree rape

JERRERY D. GLENN 3117 Bank St./5-14-99/1st, 2nd degree attempted rape or attempted sex offense

ANTONIO LAMONT GREENE 3800 Table Rock Rd./8-13-01/Incest between near relatives

HAROLD RAYBURNE HAMMONDS 1613 Bancroft St./4-10-96/2nd degree rape

JAMES E. HARDING Unknown/4-24-80/2nd degree rape

CHARLES F HARRIS 1135 Polk St./8-24-93/1st, 2nd degree rape or attempted sexual offense

MICHAEL EDWARD HOWARD 945 N. College St./2-3-93/2nd degree rape

RAYMOND MUNOIS JOHNSON 1210 N Tryon St. Men's Shelter/5-4-95/2nd degree sex offense

SHAWN MICHAEL KUHR Unknown/2-7-00/Carnal intercourse by brother/sister

KENNETH ANTHONY MCCLEAVE 5235 Spector Dr./Meck. Co. Jail/2-16-93/2nd degree rape

EARL SMITH 1437 Norris Ave. Apt. 2/4-1-93/2nd degree rape

FLOYD ROGER SWANNER SR. 524 Dare Dr./2nd degree rape with a mentally or physically disabled person

BOBBY LANE WARD 945 N. College St./12-11-85/1st degree sex offense

HERBERT LEE WELCH 512 Charles Ave./10-18-94/2nd degree rape

28209GARRY LEONARD FUNDERBURK 100 Matador Ln. Apt. 122/8-26-98/1st, 2nd degree attempted rape or attempted sex offense

28211SAMUEL HARRIS 624 Billingsley Rd. Apt. D/5-13-92/2nd degree sex offense

28216ARTHUR FRANCIS GRAHAM 1633 Northbrook Dr./5-13-93/2nd degree rape

WYLIE EDDIE HARRIS III 3010 Depaul Ct./10-22-96/2nd degree sex offense

MICHAEL LAMONT JACKSON.1746-3 Newland Rd./7-29-87/2nd degree rape

WILLIAM JOSEPH NORMAN 3021 LaSalle St./7-28-00/2nd degree sex offense

DAVID ALAN RHODES SR. 515 West Craighead Rd./10-25-94/Incest between near relatives

DANNY THOMAS RUSH 1333 Harland St./1-23-96/2nd degree sex offense


28208DAVID LEE ADAMS 930 Cantwell/2-23-90/1st, 2nd degree attempted rape or attempted sex offense

LARRY EUGENE DAVIS 3931 Paisley Pl./11-17-98/2nd degree rape

CRAWFORE DEVEAUX JR. 1735 Remount Rd./2nd degree sex offense

JAMES KINSTON HINES 1835 West Blvd./5-12-98/2nd degree rape

SAMUEL EUGENE KNOX 4530 W. Tyvola Rd./5-4-81/2nd degree rape

DUANE CURTIS LOCKHART 1111 Opal St./1-24-97/2nd degree rape

TOMMY LEE MOORE 3021 Carol Ave./12-25-88/2nd degree rape

WILLIE JAMES MORRIS 111 Fleetwood Dr./10-23-91/2nd degree rape

JEFFREY LAMAR PULLEY 2521 Eddington St./3-20-97/Sexual offense with certain victims

LARRY LOVETTE SINGS 2749 Mayfair Ave./9-8-95/2nd degree rape

BOBBY ONEIL SMITH 5333 Eaton Cr./2-8-91/1st, 2nd degree attempted rape or attempted sex offense

JAMES RONALD SNIPES 4727 Freedom Dr./2-17-95/2nd degree rape

MITCHELL WAYNE THOMAS 1500 Greenview Pl./9-10-84/2nd degree rape

NATHANIEL WOODROW WALKER 2947 Coronet Way Apt. C/2-13-92/2nd degree rape

28214JAMES COLE I 8212 Mt. Holly Rd./7-6-90/2nd degree sex offense

CURTIS AVERY GHENT JR. 8731 Stoneface Rd./9-1-94/1st, 2nd degree attempted rape or attempted sex offense

CARLOS LOPEZ HERNANDEZ 1941 Dilling Farm Rd./9-9-89/1st degree sex offense
28217DONALD EDWARD BURRESS 7901-329 Nations Ford Rd./8-5-94/2nd degree rape

JOHN CHARLES CARTER 718 Edgegreen Dr./12-7-90/2nd degree rape

WAYNE EDWARD CROTTS 500 Greenwood Dr./4-8-02/Incest between near relatives

MICHAEL ANTON LOTT 7208 Steele Creek Rd./9-17-98/2nd degree sex offense

RUSSELL EDGAR MCALLISTER 1842 Choyce Cr./5-21-91/1st, 2nd degree attempted rape or attempted sex offense

WILLIAM VAN STEWART 849-C Farmhurst Dr./4-12-96/Incest between near relatives

JOSEPH WARREN TAYLOR 5321 Nations Ford Rd./5-27-92/1st degree rape

JERMAINE WALKER Unknown/2-21-95/2nd degree sex offense


28212BYRON LIONEL BROWN 6415 Yateswood Dr. Apt. E/11-23-99/2nd degree sex offense

ROBERT HAMPTON DIXON JR. Unknown/6-8-95/1st, 2nd degree attempted rape or attempted sex offense

WILLIAM JAMES JOHNSON JR. 1214 Pressley Rd. Apt. 9/6-8-88/2nd degree rape

ERIC SEAN KNABB 5421 Hazelnut Cr. Apt. D/2-13-97/1st, 2nd degree attempted rape or attempted sex offense

GREGORY PRICE MASSEY 5441 Springset Dr. Apt. D/3-20-81/2nd degree rape

CHRISTOPHER ALLEN MCGHEE 8530 E. Independence Blvd./1-14-98/Incest between near relatives

HAROLD LYNNWOOD MINTON 5738 Providence Rd. Apt B/3-7-96/Sexual offense with certain victims

KEVIN ALLEN MURPHY 5701 Lawrence Orr Rd./2-17-93/1st degree rape

RICHARD THEODORE PADGETT JR. 5901 Farm Pond Ln. Apt. 308/9-7-93/2nd degree rape

CHARLES LEONARD PRUITT 6222 Bonny Brook Ln./11-16-94/1st, 2nd degree attempted rape or attempted sex offense

GARY DENNIS REEVEY 5312 Winterhaven Dr./1-8-98/Sexual offense with certain victims

HUEY OTIS SMITH 8616 Long Briar Dr./12-2-97/2nd degree sex offense

28215RODERICK ANTOINE ALEXANDER 6908 Cove Creek Dr./6-3-93/2nd degree rape

JEFFERY CARTER 7209 Barrington Dr. Apt. A/5-16-93/2nd degree sex offense

WILLIAM ALFRED DAVIDSON 1006 Glenfliddich Dr./12-4-89/2nd degree sex offense

JAMES EDWARD GADDY 5919 Barrington Dr./1-19-90/2nd degree rape

ROBERT EUGENE GUY 6052 Barrington Dr./10-19-93/Incest between near relatives

JOHN ALEXANDER LONG 39039 Delgany Dr./8-31-90/2nd degree sex offense

AMORY S NIGHTENGALE 5445 Kildare Dr./7-22-92/2nd degree sex offense

LARON JOEL SEARS 5501 Sunfield Dr./2-13-93/1st degree sex offense

HEATHER MARIE WILKINS 8021 Strawberry Point Dr./3-21-97/2nd degree sex offense


28078ERIC DANIEL FRAZIER 13806 Holbrook Rd./8-31-94/1st, 2nd degree attempted rape or attempted sex offense

EDWARD LEE ROLLINS 10528 Kerns Rd./3-21-97/2nd degree sex offense

28262JONATHAN LEE HUFFSTETLER 9041/1 J.M. Keynes Dr./2nd degree sex offense

Emily Best helped research this article.