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How PV Cells Compare to Solar Panels



There has been an 85% cost reduction in the price of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems in the last decade. This has encouraged many consumers to install solar panels to reduce their energy bills and become greener.

But, before buying a system, it's a good idea to understand what terms such as photovoltaic cells and solar panels really mean. This can help you make a more informed decision about using solar energy technology to power your home.

Read on for an in-depth comparison of PV cells and solar panels.

How PV Cells and Solar Panels Work

A PV system consists of a negatively charged top section and a positively charged lower level.

When the sunlight makes contact with the top layer, the outer electrons become loose. They then move toward the positive section, and conductors make the electrons move around the cell. This activity generates an electric current.

In contrast, a solar panel protects the PV cells and provides a way for the energy to power your home. These panels connect to a power inverter which in turn is connected to your property's power grid. This is how you receive your home's renewable solar energy.

PV Cells and Solar Panels in Combination

When you see how the two technologies work, it's clear they work in combination rather than competing against each other. A PV cell can only generate a small amount of energy, and solar panels use many of these cells to maximize the amount of power created. This may range from around 36 PV cells to over 100 in a single panel.

In addition, should a cell become damaged, this can lower the performance of your solar panel, making your system less efficient. Therefore, you should look for a solar supplier that uses high-quality materials and offers a warranty covering solar PV cell damage.

PV Cells and Solar Panels Cost

While a PV cell is relatively cheap, you need plenty of them to create enough solar power for your property. The cost of your solar energy system may depend partly on how many cells are in each panel, and you can check this with your supplier before buying.

When you discover solar panel pricing is more affordable than you may think, it can help you make your decision to switch to solar energy sooner. 

PV Cells and Solar Panels Can Help You Be More Eco-Friendly

Comparing PV cells and solar panels can make it easier to understand how your system converts the sun's energy into power for your home. While PV cells use sunlight to generate electricity, they need a solar panel to send this energy to your power grid. A single PV cell is also limited in how much electricity it can create but is much more effective when combined with other cells in a solar panel.

If this sounds like technology you'd be interested in, be sure to contact a supplier who offers a solar system at a great price.

For more helpful information, keep reading our excellent blog posts.
