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Horoscope for Jan. 13-19, 2010



Capricorn The Goat (Dec. 21-Jan. 19):

There are five planetary bodies and the north node of the moon in your sign this week. Beyond that, you are hosting the new moon eclipse on the 15th while Mercury turns direct. All of this represents major solar winds blowing through your psyche. Take your time about making decisions, but a "right" one may be on the horizon now.

For All Signs: Mercury, ancient god of communications, turns direct once again on Friday the 15th. After he begins moving forward it will be easier to move ahead with plans that have been pending for one reason or another for several weeks. This particular Mercury retrograde began its foreshadow on Dec. 9. It has occurred in the sign of Capricorn which is particularly sensitive now, due to the heavy dose of transiting Pluto. Capricorn rules government, general business and corporations. While Mercury traverses Capricorn territory (Dec. 9 to the end of January), hardly a decision can be made in the major activities of these institutions. Those which are made will likely be reversed by the end of January.

Aries: Your ruling planet, Mars, is retrograding at present and in uncomfortable aspect to all the other planets. Things just are not flowing smoothly and it is hard to access cooperation on almost any front. This kind of environment continues through February.

Taurus: Your attention is generally focused in the areas of travel, education, publishing, teaching, the law and the Internet. People will want to support you here, or you may be helping them.

Gemini: Please note the lead paragraph because Mercury is your ruling planet. It asks you to review all "shared resources," including partnership money, insurance benefits, investments or anything of value between you and another.

Cancer: The eclipsed new moon on the 15th marks a point of changing circumstances concerning your partner. Right now it is only in its seed form. You may be privileged to see a shady outline of things to come by the 2nd week of February. Don't let the eclipse turn you inside out.

Leo: Mars retrograde in your sign leaves a big "Stop!" message that continues through February. Now is the time to chill. Recognize that the real Self is so much bigger and stronger than the ego, which mainly has a loud voice.

Virgo: Your ruling planet is Mercury, so give attention to the lead paragraph. Anything on your radar screen in the territory that rules children, creative efforts and love life, has been subject to turnaround, review, deceleration, rethinking for a few weeks.

Libra: Since Christmas Day you have been focused on home, hearth and family matters. On Jan. 18, your ruling planet moves into the sector of life related to children, recreation and romance. The goddess of love often brings new energy wherever she goes.

Scorpio: Issues of career and future direction are impacted during this Mars retrograde, which began in December. Final decisions about your path simply cannot be made at this time. Manage your daily needs and hold your mind to the present moment. Accept that things will be fuzzy through February.

Sagittarius: Your planetary ruler, Jupiter, is resting after a year's trip through the sign of Aquarius. This week will be a time of closures on projects of the previous year. You may feel particularly close to your Spirit as you finalize things.

Aquarius: A major collection of planets in your 12th house could be keeping you awake at night. Yes, things are stirred up in your unconscious mind, but your conscious mind may be creating scary stories about it. Try to be still.

Pisces: People around you may be taking special notice of your appearance and dowsing you with compliments. This is in preparation for Jupiter's entry into your sign on the 17th. This transit opens your psyche and your aura, which makes others want to smile upon you.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at (704) 366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Web site: