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Horoscope for Dec. 3-9



Sagittarius The Archer: (Nov. 22-Dec. 20)

Your optimistic and happy attitude causes others to join your bandwagon and support your projects. Give attention to the quieter people around you. Your energy could overwhelm them. Watch the heavy accelerator foot.

For All Signs: Pluto is the lord of the underworld. It rules whatever is below the earth's surface and the transformation that always occurs in the dark and out of sight. A garden cannot produce well unless the critters underground are there to do their job of digesting last year's dross. Rarely do we mature in the light of day, but mainly in our dark times. Pluto's job is to crack open the earth and shine a light on whatever may be hidden that can damage the structures above them.

Aries: Activities involving politics, the law, travel, education, and/or the Internet are particularly highlighted this week. You have more energy than you know how to manage this week. Use caution when driving because your accelerator foot is probably a bit heavy.

Taurus: This is a good week to finalize a loan or request assistance from others. The law may be on your side. On the 7th Venus, your ruling planet, moves to the sector of career. For the next three weeks your activities are on display. Others are noticing your performance, so make it great.

Gemini: Plans concerning your partner and your family are whirling with changes. It may cause you to feel temporarily frazzled, but everything will eventually work out fine. You could choose to be the stabilizing force in the situation. Hold steady.

Cancer: This is a week that favors finding help for issues concerning investments, shared property, insurance matters, and loans. You are able to complete the necessary details on your own or through the assistance of others. Your spiritual life is given a boost if you focus on it.

Leo: Activities of the week may be focused upon creative ventures, children, and lovers. Your drive and energy is in high gear. You would have the strength to tackle a project that demands use of muscle. Love and social life is supportive.

Virgo: Adapting to all the life changes that are happening around you can be exhausting as well as nerve wracking. Remember the adage: This too will pass if your nerves are frayed. Nothing, absolutely nothing, can last forever. Loosen your frantic grip on things and watch the creativity evolve.

Libra: You are in an especially cordial frame of mind at this time, and likely to invite people to your home, or to share whatever you have to offer. Your spirits are high and you have a need to be social. You are interested in whatever feels luxurious, looks beautiful, or tickles the senses.

Scorpio: Issues of money and resources, or matters of personal values will be prominent as motivators. Be aware of the temptation to over-identify with that which you deem important, whether it is a material object or an idea. Do not confuse your individual identity with these things of the world.

Capricorn: Now that Pluto is firmly in your sign, you are recognizing the depth of changes that must be made. Some of you will take on significant power and others may abdicate. You probably know which way it is headed at this point. Social and family life are upbeat and supportive.

Aquarius: You have multiple opportunities this week to share yourself with friends and community. The energy is supportive and helpful, both in giving and receiving. Who you are carries significant influence and greases the skids for everyone on your team.

Pisces: You have been thinking about generating change in your career for quite awhile. This week circumstances become extreme enough that it will become very clear how much these changes need to happen. An authority may pressure you or you may be pressuring yourself, but it is imminent.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Web site: