When: Fri., Oct. 17, 7-8:30 p.m. 2014
The third Friday of each month is Girls’ Night Out at Charlotte Fine Art Gallery! Oct. 17: Create a painting on canvas using oil and cold wax. Use your own design or follow along with the instructor to make a fruit piece for your kitchen or dining room, or to offer as a gift handcrafted by you! Time: 7 p.m.-8:30(ish). All supplies included. Refreshments served. Pre-registration required for GNO. We accept Visa or MC over the phone; or stop by during gallery hours with payment. Gallery is open Tues. 10am-4pm, Wed. and Thurs. 10am-9pm, Fri. 10 am-6pm, and Sat. 10am-2pm.
Price: $35.