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Fast-Forwarding Through the Bard



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Corey Mitchell, Kevin Campbell, and Dana Alderman -- all of them fine character actors familiar to Charlotte audiences -- are among the august Board of Governors who vote down patronage to Jekyll's rash experiment. All of them bluster beautifully before Hyde bumps them off. Add the less frequently encountered Ken Dyess to that proud list. I wanted to knock him off myself. And watch out for Chris Gleim, who adds fire to a somewhat flaccid "Facade" and turns in more menacing work as the dancehall whoremaster.

Greg Glover as Jekyll's solicitor and Cary Kugler as his future father-in-law tarried somewhat in reaching melodramatic intensity, but they were quite fine when they did. There's plenty of room for the whole show to improve now that the company has test-driven the vehicle with subscribers.

There were plenty of side seats at Pease still unsold, and I suspect that as word spreads, many subscriber tickets will be handed off to children and grandchildren...and great grandchildren. With the right audience, prospects for this Jekyll to click might improve exponentially.

Even the cast might get it.