When: Sat., July 21 2012
BREED FEST II What do Pit Bulls and heavy, abrasive bands have in common? Well, misunderstanding, more than anything. Some see a densely muscled dog with a massive block of a head and recoil in fear. Others have a similar reaction to the accelerated frenzy of rock bands like Dead in the Dirt, whose hellaciously good EP, Fear, crams 10 tracks into a dozen sweaty, pummeling minutes. But there’s no inherent aggression to either: Dead in the Dirt are vegan straight-edgers, and many other hardcore acts follow idealistic moral codes. And as for endemically aggressive dog breeds... hell, dogs act like their owners, from Pits to Pomeranians. A portion of the proceeds go to help the ASPCA fight breed-specific legislation, which discriminates against Pits as a rule, but also tends to ban Doberman Pinschers, Rottweilers, and even Huskies. The discriminated-against bands on this roster include Dreamend, Dead in the Dirt, Old Flings, Autarch, Old Wounds, Monarchist, Apart and Palefire.
Corbie Hill
Price: $10