American Guild of Organists Summer Recital Series featuring Monty Bennett. Sun., Aug. 25, 7:30 p.m. all recitals are free and open to the public; a free-will offering will be taken to cover the costs of the series. Plaza Presbyterian Church, 2304 The Plaza. 704-588-1290.
*The Perch Theatre Perch Comedy. Cheerfully offending Charlotte since 1994. Located at 1500 Central Ave., 2nd floor. Showtimes are 9pm and 11pm on Friday and Saturday nights. There is also a late show on Saturdays at 1am. Performances are rated R for verbal content. Fri., Sat. $10/$8 for students with I.D. Extreme Improv. Comple-tely improvised shows every Saturday at 7pm. Similar to "Who's Line Is It Anyway?". Call 866-Improv1 or see website at Improv classes ongoing. Saturdays, 7 p.m. $8. 1500 B. Central Ave.
Charlotte Museum of History/Hezekiah Alexander Homesite & American Freedom Bell Highways & Byways of Our State. a photographic road trip of eclectic NC sites and scenes, all viewed from the state's Highways and Byways, using archival images from Our State: North Carolina magazine. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Jan. 12. Lost North Carolina: An Architectural Heritage Exhibition. Peer into North Carolina's past, as inspiring architecture that no longer stands is revealed through photographic prints and drawings. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Sept 30. 3500 Shamrock Dr., Between Eastway and Sharon Amity. 704-568-1774.
*Levine Museum of the New South Carolina Victorian - Rediscovering the New South's First Architecture. Celebrating the richness of this era which extended from the exterior to the interior, Carolina Victorian treats visitors to photographs of NC Victorian Landmarks, furnished Victorian rooms, scenes of Charlotte from 1905 versus today, and a dollhouse that replicates the tiniest details of a Victorian home. Mon.-Sun. 200 E. 7th St. 704-333-1887
*Mint Museum of Art American Modern, 1925-1940: Design for a New Age. an exhibition to illustrate the competitive creative spirit of Americans. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Dec. 31. Celebrating the Legacy of Romare Bearden. a two part juried exhibition inspired by Bearden's collages, subjects, style, or Carolina roots. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Oct. 27. Cycles of Life in African Art: Fantasy Coffins from Ghana. works arranged according to the themes of: Everyday Life, Power and Prestige, and Birth and Death. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Sept 22. Everyman's Gold. English lustreware from the Collection of John Elsley. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Dec. 1. Narratives of African American Art and Identity. The David C. Driskell Collection. Artists include Edward Bannister, Henry O. Tanner, Jacob Lawrence, Elizabeth Catlett, William Johnson, Romare Bearden and Sam Gilliam. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Oct. 27. 2730 Randolph Rd. 704-337-2000 or 704-333-MINT.
Mint Museum of Craft & Design Currents In Craft. Ongoing exhibit. Tue.-Sun. Quilts from the Carolinas. featuring the extraordinary work of contemporary quilt artists in North and South Carolina. Tue.-Sun. Continues through Sept 8. Tradition & Change: 19th and 20th Century Craft At The Mint. ongoing exhibit. Tue.-Sun. 220 N. Tryon St. 704-337-2009.
North Carolina Museum of History Flashback to the 60's. a collection of memoriblila that significantly defines a period of profound social and cultural change in America. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Sept 28. 5 E. Edenton St., Raleigh. 919-715-0200.
Spoken Word
23 Studio/Pat's Tavern Open Mic Spoken Word Poetry Night. a chance for all local poets, drummers and entertainers to come showcase their talent. After each poetry session you can stay and listen to DJ Live and an up and coming musical act to follow. There will also be local incense, oil, art and jewelry vendors at the event. Thursdays. $5 before 10:30pm, $10 thereafter. 3209 N. Davidson St. 704-370-6107.
Crystal on the Plaza Reggae Club Wisdom Wednesdays. at Crystal on the Plaza Reggae Club, 3018 The Plaza Rd. Open Mic, Spoken Word, Poetry and other conscious thoughts and expressions. Word, Sound & Power...Roots, Culture & Knowledge. Hosted by Aquiyla and Nina, MC by Filmore, Musical Innervissions by DJ DR and DJ Justice. Wednesdays, 8 p.m. 3018 The Plaza. 704-376-3799.
Heisman, the Musical the story of legendary football coach John Heisman. August 29-31 and September 5-7 in Dana Auditorium on the campus of Queens University. Showtimes are Thursday-Saturday at 7:30pm. Tickets are $15/adults, $10/children. All tickets are on sale one hour prior to show- only. For more information call 704-868-0033 or visit online at
*Shirley Valentine Broadway comedy tour-de-force - at Spirit Square's Duke Power Theatre. Starring Charlotte's own Rebecca Koon. Aug. 21, 7:30 p.m.; Aug. 22, 7:30 p.m.; Aug. 23, 8 p.m.; Aug. 24, 8 p.m.; Aug. 25, 2 p.m.; Aug. 28, 7:30 p.m.; Aug. 29, 7:30 p.m.; Aug. 30, 8 p.m.; Aug. 31, 8 p.m. $18-$25. Blumenthal Performing Arts Center, 130 N. Tryon St. 704-348-5800.
A Taste of Broadway an ongoing musical theatre revue that will combine fine food with the flavor of Broadway. Sundays, 5-9 p.m. $10 per person for show only. Food costs extra. Swing 1000, 1000 Central Ave. 704-334-4443.Visual Arts: OpeningsThe Light Factory Digital Invitational. photographs by Robert Creamer, Bill Jenkins, Marie R. Kennedy, and Judith McMillan. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Oct. 12. 809 W. Hill St. 704-333-9755.
Visual Arts: Ongoing
Afro-American Cultural Center Women of a New Tribe. a photographic study of African-American beauty. The exhibit showcases the many-faceted beauty of a very unique group of women; women who did not meet the widely held eurocentric standards of beauty. The exotic images of these women is captured by photographer, Jerry Taliaferro. Tue.-Sun. Continues through Aug. 25. African Rituals and African-American Celebrations. exhibit illustrates the sacred rituals brought to America from Africa that are now an integral part of African-American cultural celebrations. Tue.-Sat. Continues through Aug. 25. 401 N. Myers St. 704-374-1565.
Applewood Gallery Near Visions. Pastels with an intimate vantage point featuring Judith Cutler. Also, Terry Thirion, Ada Offerdahl and other artists. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Sept 26. 3920 Park Rd. 704-525-6162.
Art 1 Gallery 57th Juried Exhibition 2002. presented by Art 1 and the Watercolor Society of NC. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Aug. 23. 170 W. Franklin Blvd., Gastonia. 704-854-8800.
Art Institute of Charlotte Gallery Tattoo Baby Doll Project. the works of Sherri Wood. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Aug. 30. 2110 Water Ridge Parkway. 704-357-8020.
Artists' Atelier Carolina Open Studios. by appointment. Ongoing exhibits feature paintings and mixed media by popular North Carolina Artists: Peggy Hutson Weston, Fay M. Miller, Carol Mueller, Betty G. Robinson; Photography by Waldo Miller; and sculptures by Greg Weston. Studios are open to the public, gallery owners, designers and art connoisseurs. Please call for an appointment. Mon.-Sun. 220 W. 10th St. 704-347-2781.
Bank of America Plaza Space, Structure and Vision. Curated by Joie Lassiter Gallery. Featuring works by Mary Edith Alexander, Helene Brandt, Gary Byrd, Lluis Lleo, Ran Ortner, Karen Rifas, Thomas Rose, Idamarie Spurr, Mike Wsol. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Nov. 15. 101 South Tryon Street. 704-373-1464.
Charlotte Art League Artists In Residence. group show. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Aug. 25. 1517 Camden Rd. 704-376-2787.
Christa Faut Gallery Summer Group Exhibition. of paintings, drawings and lithographs by Gallery artists Romare Bearden, Clara Couch, John Borden Evans, Laura Grosch, Jim Henry, Herb Jackson, Denise Lisiecki, Elsie Dinsmore Popkin, Janet Powers, Russ Warren and Waddy Armstrong. Mon.-Sat. Continues through Aug. 30. 19818 N. Cove Rd., Cornelius. 704-892-5312.
CPCC Art Gallery Artists of Baoding, P.R. China. featuring the works of Tan Baoquan and Wu Zhanliang. Mon.-Fri. Continues through Sept 27. P.O. Box 35009. 704-330-6480.
Diane Overcash Studio New Paintings. original oil and acrylic paintings by Diane Overcash. June's featured guest artist is Mary Karriker. July's featured guest artist is Diane Overcash. Mon.-Sun. New Paintings. featuring the works of Scott Avett. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Aug. 31. 113 West First Street, Cannon Village, Kannapolis. 704-933-7917.
Gallery L The Graceful Envelope. Ordinary envelopes decorated in extraordinary ways. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Aug. 25. 310 N. Tryon St. 704-336-2020.
Green Door Gallery Group Show. ongoing exhibition of artwork by local and regional artists featuring drawing, painting, pastels, mixed media, monotypes, ceramics, sculpture, photography, wood design, stained glass, fabric design and handmade jewelry. Artists include Ken Hillberry, Jennie Martin Tomlin, Marcel Bourboniere, Charlotte Foust, Kirk Argo, Dan Triece, Carol Weston, Norma Velasquez-Frink, Doug Knox, Kym Cress, Michael Brown, Jim Smith, Jeff Tudor, Tara Bengle, and Mike Hargett. Mon.-Sat. 221 West A St., Cannon Village, Kannapolis. 704-932-0099.
Hidell Brooks Gallery New Paintings. by Barbara Fisher. Her first solo exhibition. Her current body of work reflects her ongoing exploration of the visual and the psychic tension. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Aug. 31. 1910 S. Blvd. Suite 130. 704-334-7302.
Jerald Melberg Gallery Oil Paintings and Sculpture. works by Enrico Embroli. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Sept 7. Recent Still Life Paintings. works by Thomas Buechner. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Sept 7. 3900 Colony Rd. 704-365-3000.
Joie Lassiter Gallery Group Show. including Maya Godlewska, Peggy Rivers, and Marc Lambrechts. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Aug. 31. 318 E 9th. 704-373-1464.
McColl Center for Visual Art Open House. featuring 8 Affiliate Artists. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Aug. 19. 721 N. Tryon St. 704-332-5535.
McColl Center for Visual Art Clayworks Gallery Multiple Artists. features handmade original and functional pottery by McColl Center faculty, affiliate artists and Clayworks members. Mon.-Sun. 301 E. 9th St. 704-332-5535.
Microcosm Gallery Colorful Nature. an exhibition of paintings by Daniel Sztyber. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Oct. 9. 300 N. College St. #101. 704-641-4256.
Myersart Gallery Works by Local Artists. featuring functional and decorative works in clay by local artists including Mary Mason, Lambeth Marshal, Carolyn Carroll, John and Jan Myers, Sandra Delonis, Joyce Branch. Phyllis Graham, Patsy McAlpine, Gena Van Dyke, Cindi Powell, Donald L. Foster, Sylvia Coppola, Kim Frazier, Shelly Johnston, Carolyn Burke, Corine Gussman, Alex and Mary Miller, Robert Hasselle, Jennifer Kincaid, Fran Brown, Vanessa Grubbs, and Karen Kramer. Mon.-Sat., 11 a.m.-2 p.m.,11 a.m.-5 p.m. & 11 a.m.-7 p.m. New Works. functional stoneware pottery by Kim Frazier. Mon.-Sun. New Pottery Works. functional wheel thrown stoneware and porcelain by Sylvia Coppola and clay sculpture by her daughter Sarah Coppola. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Aug. 31. 1510 Camden Road. 704-790-2529.
NC Museum of Art Selections From The Birds of America. Works by John James Audubon. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Dec. 1. 2110 Blue Ridge Rd., Raleigh. 919-839-6262.
Plantsylvania Garden Art. items of art for the garden and pond by Rose Hawley. Mon.-Sun., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 1515 Camden Road. 704-334-5331.
Pope's Gallery Sharon Augustyniak. featuring black and white photography of far away places and of local regions as well, including Charlotte. Exhibition many original works of art by other local and regional artists as well. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Aug. 31. Jodie Ochoa. featuring pastels depicting marshscapes and mountain landscapes. Exhibition many original works of art by other local and regional artists as well. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Aug. 31. 8016-900 Providence Rd. and 1035 Providence Rd. 704-541-3199 or 704-342-1774.
Pottery Central Pottery Central. featuring "Horse Hair Raku" pieces by Andrew Linton. Also featuring garden art and new dinnerware by Karen Linton. Tue.-Sat., 12-5 p.m. 3534 Central Ave. 704-537-4477.
S. Lampke Fine Art and Design Collection of Works. featuring oils and pastels. Also showing oil floorcloths, painted "Cottage" furniture, and a collection of hand knotted Persian Carpets. Tue.-Sat., 11 a.m.-5 p.m. 1517 Camden Road, Studio #5. 704-362-1033.
Shain Fine Art Originals New Works. featuring works by nationally renowned Santa Fe artists Michael Lynch and David Ballew who recently collaborated on plein air painting in the Carolinas. Also - Baptiste, Henry Barnes, Laura Buxton, Dennis Campay, Amy Dobbs, bonnie brown fergus, Robert Frank, William Jameson, Geoffrey Johnson, Downy Doxey-Marshall, Robert Marshall, Janet Powers, Sallie Quirk, R.A. Red Corn, Kim Schuessler, Marilyn Simandle, and Connie Withers. Mon.-Sun. 601-B Providence Rd. 704-334-7744.
Skillbeck Gallery Various Artists. a distinctive collection of contemporary American crafts. Features jewelry, ceramics, handblown glass, and a large selection of Judaica. Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m. & 10 a.m.-8 p.m. 248 S. Sharon Amity Rd., Cotswold Village Shops, Courtyard. 704-366-8613.
Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art Health, Happiness and Metempsychosis. the work of James Harold Jennings. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Sept 28. Animayhem. the works of Gregory Barsamian. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Sept 28. 750 Marguerite Dr., Winston-Salem. 336-725-1904.
Transamerica Building 38-18-34. presented by The McColl Center for Visual Arts. Six sculptures which portray women in battle with modern society. Each sculpture is an exotic creation using a variety of found objects such as happers, wheels, tree limbs, and saw blades. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Sept 8. 704-376-7739.
Waterworks Visual Arts Center Floating World. japanese woodblock prints, Kimono cloth and Kimonos. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Sept 8. Salisbury. 704-636-1882.
Wrightnow Gallery Emerging Art. from local and regional artists. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Sept 30. Emerging Art. from local and regional artists. Mon.-Sun. Continues through Sept 30. 3205 N. Davidson St. 704-554-8093.