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3 Ways How Sports Improve Brain


How does sport affect the brain? At first glance, it is believed to be mostly negative. Multiple fist bumps to the head in boxing, head bumps to the ball in football, head falls in gymnastics, acrobatics, trampolining, figure skating, cycling can lead to concussions. Yet, there is a chance to fall and get a concussion in normal life, and in normal life more often fall just those who do not do any sports and do not train their brain even by playing at https://woocasino.games/. But let's consider what benefits the brain from sports. Moreover, scientists insist that the benefits are quite serious.

You Will Become Smarter

Yes, you will become smarter, and not only if you play chess, which directly develops logic and strategic thinking. Any kind of physical activity improves blood circulation and oxygen delivery to tissues and organs, including the brain.

In addition, moderate cardio exercise - running, aerobics, dancing - stimulates the development and branching of neural spines. This, in turn, stimulates the creation of new neural connections, which is beneficial for learning, mastering new knowledge and applying existing knowledge.

Thus, the effect of sports on the brain is very positive. Sports improve brain activity and provide additional potential to utilize brain functions. Your task is to take advantage of these opportunities for your intellectual development.

Your Mood Will Improve and Your Stress Will Go Away

Emotions and moods are also the brain's responsibility. So, working on your brain should change your mood. And it really does. You don't even need any scientific research - just play soccer, ride a bike or go for a walk in the park, and you will notice that your mood has improved, and the causes of stress, if not gone, have definitely not been perceived as relevant at the time of the physical action.

The joy that sport brings us is easy to explain. Physical activity increases the production of happiness hormones: dopamine, serotonin and endorphins. Dopamine is produced by the pituitary gland, endorphins are produced in brain neurons, serotonin is also partially synthesized in the brain.

Besides, the good mood that sport brings us appears thanks to endocannabinoids. These are neurotransmitter molecules that are synthesized in the brain and affect neurons in different nerve centers. The release of neurotransmitters, which occurs under the influence of physical activity, reduces anxiety and causes a slight euphoria. In addition, endocannabinoids have a positive effect on memory, learning ability, and even have some analgesic effects.

Your Vision and Hearing Will Improve

Brain function is not just about cognitive abilities and emotions. The brain controls almost all functions in the body, including visual perception of objects and perception of sounds (conversation, music, various noises, etc.) We already know that during physical activity the production of glutamic acid increases, and this was reliably established by scientists at the University of California in a special experiment.

Among other functions, this acid is involved in the transmission of information through the organs of vision and hearing. Thus, regular 20-minute rides on a bicycle or exercise bike can improve your visual and auditory perception. Since the ergometer was taken solely as an aerobic exercise option, we can add that walking, dancing, swimming, gymnastic exercises and games have a similar effect.
