Making a New Year's resolution makes about as much sense as turning a robe backward and calling it a Snuggie. But this concept, for whatever reason, appeals to the masses. I mean, why pick one day of the year to resolve to be better?
Shouldn’t we resolve for self-improvement all 365 days of the year so we don’t have to cram?
So fuck a New Year's resolution, make year-round resolutions. Here are some suggestions.
• Resolve to take risks. Playing it safe should be kept to a game of slow pitch softball.
• Don’t be afraid to fall. It’s better to have a broken heart that can heal than a closed heart that can never feel.
• Resolve to distinguish between your friends and frenemies, and to love your haters.
• Resolve to throw out the to-dos and to-don’t lists and just do more of what you want to do vs. what you need to do. Don’t be miserable a second of 2011. (Six month doctor check-ups and jury duty excluded. Those are necessary)
• Resolve to tell the inner critic in your head to shut the front door, and silence all negative and worrisome thoughts.
• Resolve to say yes anytime someone asks you to dance — even if they aren’t cute and you have no rhythm. It beats sitting out in the corner.
• Resolve to talk to strangers even though your mom told you not to when you were a kid.
• Resolve to live like you're on stage — life isn't a dress rehearsal.
• Resolve to follow the golden rule and treat others the way you want to be treated, and be sure to treat yourself that way, too.
• Resolve to go to the gym — but not just because you want to lose weight but because exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Resolve to be happy!
But in regard to an actual New Year's resolution, may I suggest resolving not to pay $80 to get into an over-crowded party where the open bar runs dry by 10 p.m. And who cares if you don't have anyone to kiss when the clock strikes midnight — we’re not all on a deadline like Cinderella. Life isn’t a fairytale. But that doesn’t mean we can’t all live like it’s one.
So the best resolution we can make is to live happily ever after.
(And you should also resolve to read more of the Bang Town blog, my new home at Creative Loafing until Love, Brittney launches. Smile!)