If you've ever stumbled into Whisky River on a Friday or Saturday night, you know that this spot is not just about country music — despite what you might think considering what NASCAR driver is affiliated with the place. It's about having a good time. I have danced to everything from hip-hop to some old timey music, and perhaps that's why Whisky River is able to celebrate their three-year anniversary this weekend.
On Friday night, though, Whisky River returns to its country roots, hosting a concert with Rodney Atkins. While I'm not a country music fan myself, I have been subjected to a few songs from riding in the car with my daddy. The only song I know from Rodney Atkins, "If You're Going Through Hell," has a positive message — and it's a good tune to kick your cowboy boots to, if I do say so myself.
More importantly, I just got word that the Whisky River folks have lowered General Admission tickets to $20. Pit Passes (basically the area closest to the stage) are still $50. Purchase tickets here.