This weekend's non-CIAA nightlife events (March 4-5) | @ Large

This weekend's non-CIAA nightlife events (March 4-5)



CIAA has taken over the city, so that means many of your favorite nightlife venues are hosting private parties. If you want to avoid the crowd (and the increased ticket prices), here are some non-CIAA nightlife events going on this weekend. Have a great weekend!

Friday, March 4

• Tyberpalooza at Tyber Creek Pub, courtesy of Rockhouse Events. (Friday and Saturday).


• SpinFest, featuring live music, art, beer and bikes at Espada Bikes in NoDa

Mardi Gras Party Cruise up at the lake (hosted by Elevate)

• Gorilla Preschool Improv Show at Petra's

Bad Dogs College Night

Saturday, March 5

• "I Bleed Blue 2011" Part 2 at Wild Wing University

• Mardi Gras Ball 2011 by Guys With Ties

Mardi Gras_Final

• Free show at Common Market PM: Electric Coma

• 90's House Producer and DJ Ken ECB "Love Dancin" LP Release party at Dharma Lounge