Night review: Pinups and Pets Calendar release party | @ Large

Night review: Pinups and Pets Calendar release party



When Snug Harbor's Shiprocked celebrates something, I must say, it certainly is a celebration. I would imagine this seems like a no-brainer, considering that their regular fare revolves around dance parties equipped with go-go dancers and drag shows. But to truly understand the extent of which they throw down, you have to witness it for yourself.

This is exactly what I experienced Thursday, Jan. 13, for their Halo project Pinups and Pets calendar release party. When I arrived, it seemed like it was going to be a slow night. But before I could even grab my second drink, people started filing in at such a massive rate that Snug was instantaneously packed to the point that I couldn't even get around without having to push through a crowd.

I would say that this is when the dance party started but I'm not sure if that would be totally accurate. People were trying to dance to Scott Weaver's DJing, but they were so crammed (and sober) that it proved incredibly difficult. Everybody just needed more celebratory booze. If it weren't for the bartenders at Snug, Shiprocked's fun times would be virtually nonexistent. I cannot praise their skills enough. During peak hours (between midnight and 2 a.m.) they slam out drinks like they were born to pour and make sure everyone in the house that wants to get liquored up (which is pretty much everyone) gets their fair share.

Needless to say, by the time the performances started, everyone was very happy and ready to watch Drag Queen Lilith Deville and Burlesque dancer Cherry Von Bomb tease us with their uncanny ability to entertain. Paying homage to the calendar debut, the theme of the night was pin-up pets, and Lilith, dressed as a cat, performed to a song about a sore, wet, hot, free, bald pussy. As you can imagine, the performance did not take the direction of kittens. After Cherry Von Bomb teased us with her fierce jungle cat moves, everyone had loosened up enough to break it down for Lilith's last performance, which led into an all-out dance party from the stage to the end of the bar, until everyone was getting kicked out.

This Shiprocked was certainly an enjoyable one. I recommend that everyone with an open mind come out and experience it at least once.