Tonight: Party at the Mint | @ Large

Tonight: Party at the Mint



It's not typical that nightlife is associated with a museum, but I guess that's why the new Mint Museum Uptown is going to be extra cool.


Here are some of the events associated with the Mint Museum's 24-hour grand opening that you can check out tonight.

8 p.m.-1o p.m.: On the second floor terrace, jazz band Ocio Davis trio will be performing.

10 p.m.-2 a.m.: Takeover Friday, the gay-friendly mobile party, will be taking over the 5th floor for a dance party. (Additional $10 admission.)

Midnight-2 a.m.: That Japanese-inspired, powerpoint party Pecha Kucha will take place in the Atrium.

2 a.m.-4 a.m.: A poetry slam will take place in the Auditorium.

Between 5:30 p.m.-2 a.m., the cost to get in is $10. After 2 a.m., though, it's free! So if you've got insomnia or something, and want to do something that's easy on your wallet, you know, just head to the new Mint about 3 in the morning to check out their new exhibits. (Bet you never thought I'd ever be telling you that, huh.) Hey, at least it's something different.