#nerdgasm: Charlotte Startup Weekend 5


Charlotte Startup Weekend 5 kicks off Jan. 24 at Packard Place. The ever boisterous Charlotte startup community will come together again to make startup magic in the favorite community space. As per usual, the outcomes are certain to be excellent. Last year yielded HarvestGeek, Mike Alt's brainchild that could end world hunger, which was featured on Fast Company.

From the Charlotte Startup Weekend website:
...anyone is welcome to pitch their startup idea and receive feedback from their peers. Teams organically form around the top ideas (as determined by popular vote) and then it's a 54 hour frenzy of business model creation, coding, designing, and market validation. The weekends culminate with presentations in front of local entrepreneurial leaders with another opportunity for critical feedback.
Tickets run between $20 and $99, depending on participation level and type. If you have a dream of owning your own business and your resolution this year is to make it happen, this is the place you want to be on Jan. 24.

More info: http://charlotte.startupweekend.org

For more commentary, follow me on Twitter @dbirdy, for more photos peep my Flickr and to see all videos, subscribe to my YouTube channel here!