Comic headlines: Lobo meets Anthrax, a new Spider-Man series and more



Once again, I've tracked down some hot news about the industry from all over the Web. Read up and be informed!


The Spirit of Retailing Awards: Who knew there was even such a thing?

Lobo: Highway to Hell: You probably heard that Anthrax guitarist Scott Ian is writing a Lobo comic. Well, here's even more about the new limited series.

Dr. Who comes to Comic-Con: Well the actor David Tennant, that is. And is he coming to make a big announcement?

A  new Spider-Man series?: Do we really need another one? At least this one features a Spider-Girl second feature.

Stephen Chow drops out of Green Hornet: Man I love the Green Hornet, but what seems to be the problem with making this damn movie?

Blackest Night — Spectrum Analysis: Writer Vaneta Rogers examines the psychology behind the emotional spectrum of DC's Lanterns. Yeah ... it gets no geekier.