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Weekly horoscope (Jan. 18-24)



Aquarius The Waterbearer (Jan. 19-Feb. 18)

The sun returns "home" to your sign this week. You likely will find it to be energizing. Now is the time to focus on new plans for this next year of your life. Take a fresh look at where you want to direct your energy. This is the annual opportunity to experience a new birth.

For All Signs: Mars, known to the ancients as the god of war, turns retrograde on Jan. 23 and remains so until April 13. Historically, those who draw a sword or attempt to expand power during these periods eventually find it turned against themselves. In our personal lives, we are well-advised to avoid extending our boundaries or initiating "war" on any front. It is said that the defendant, not the aggressor, will win in any conflict as long as Mars retrogrades. It doesn't matter how big or "right" the primary aggressor may be. Perhaps the reason for this is that the real battle is always the one we carry on within ourselves, even if it appears to be in the external world. When Mars is retrograde, the war is always primarily internal. Read your sun and rising signs below to identify where the pressure is for you over the next 3 months.

Aries: A friend may suggest something novel to do in order to break away from an old rut. A fortunate development related to your work in the world will be handed to you, but you are hesitant over whether to take on the details of that responsibility. It is probably best not to add anything to your plate right now.

Taurus: Notice who comes into your life while you are doing general business. This person is likely to become a friend. You have the opportunity during this period to expand your social territory. You may also be experiencing small gifts and benefits offered to you from others.

Gemini: You are considering your financial picture at this time. You almost make a decision that feels right to you and then you hesitate and decide to wait for a later time. It seems like more than one thing in your life comes almost to fruition, but then someone changes his/her mind, and then it's back to square one.

Cancer: You are conflicted on the subject of romance versus caretaking, which is your natural instinct. Perhaps you are caught in the middle between the needs of a spouse and your children. Sometimes a Cancerian becomes a parent to the partner, which usually creates a troubled atmosphere. Set aside decisions on these matters until you are more centered.

Leo: You have a project that appears as though it is dying on the vine. But if you step back and look at it in a totally different light, it is possible you will discover a gem. A significant relationship may also follow the same pattern: dark, then a change in your perspective, and the sunshine shows through!

Virgo: Romance is on the horizon, but you are reluctant to take the offer. You also have been in a creative mode, perhaps writing or some other form of communication. You almost reach a point of conclusion and then "something" causes you to stop and rethink the whole project.

Libra: You prefer to tend to business this week. It is fulfilling to clean up some of your projects. You may be focused on something artistic related to home or business. Family is supportive. In social relationships, the tone is solemn and leans toward problem-solving.

Scorpio: This is a week of intense feelings, whether up or down. For many, prevention of depressed feelings can be handled by gently bringing ourselves back from a super-high. Good news concerning partner's resources may not come through as expected this week. The time will be better later.

Sagittarius: Your work is noticed and racks up some applause this week. This is a time in which your exuberance and enthusiasm may carry you farther than you really intended to go. Take care that you don't promise way more than you can deliver.

Capricorn: A new plan that originated in the fall is arriving at a turning point. Sometimes our ideas take a twist of their own. This is a time in which you must decide whether or not to pour more resources into the plan or let it go. If it can be accomplished by next October, it is probably worth the effort.

Pisces: People are smiling upon you this week. You have friends with a certain amount of power in their worlds who want to help you accomplish something they see is of ethical or moral value in the world. Your attitude is thankful and you are keeping your nose to the grindstone as this help continues.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Website: