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June 25 – July 1, 2008



Cancer The Crab: (June 21 -- July 21)

There is a lot going on in your daily life this week. You seem to be at the helm of multiple activities. Handle tools and mechanical objects carefully. Your physical cycle is in a short droop and your reflexes are not at their best. Don't allow stressors to hurry you beyond your capacity.

For All Signs: Mercury, planet of communication and travel, turned direct on June 19th. Projects and decisions which have been delayed or set aside can now be resolved and the routine business world will resume its usual hectic pace. Hopefully, the past 3 1/2 week period of the retrograde will have done its job, that of encouraging reflection and re-evaluation of previously made plans.

Aries: During this week you will be finishing projects of the last couple of months. It is possible that a relationship is coming to a closing phase. You will know within yourself. On the other hand, it does not have to be permanent, and may represent preparation for moving into the next phase of joint growth.

Taurus: Your frame of mind concerning a romance or a friendship is on the edge this week. You may be feeling disappointed and thinking of bringing things to a conclusion. Be aware that right now you are feeling particularly sensitive and could overreact.

Gemini: You have a desire to get out and about and celebrate. The temptation to overspend is strong, yet you have already decided you need to curb your appetites. Consider what would be fun and interesting that doesn't require a lot of money. Be kind to your body's joints, especially your knees, at this time.

Leo: It is normal to feel somewhat lethargic during the month just prior to one's birthday. At this time the sun is figuratively at its darkest and we experience a natural low in our personal annual cycle. This is a good time to bring projects of past weeks to a favorable completion while preparing for a new year.

Virgo: What you do in your business and financial life now will have greater than usual impact in the future. The problem is that you do not yet feel clear about where you should expand and where you need to contract. Conservative choices are best for awhile.

Libra: This is not your best week for romance and social life. You may be in circumstances that cause you to feel as though you must be pretentious concerning your feelings. Possibly you are not even really clear yourself about just what your needs are. It's a low period that will pass.

Scorpio: You may feel droopy and sleepy early in the week, but that won't last more than a couple of days. As the week wears on, your energy, along with your attitude returns to a better space. Take extra rest now and it will repay you with a sense of strength and physical bounce by the 28th.

Sagittarius: The new business/career direction of the past several months is straining to be expanded. Normally the Archers are always in favor of advancing, but just right now that instinct is holding you back. You are right to wait for more definitive signs before you take a big risk.

Capricorn: Your intense expectation of change in the immediate future is beginning to look questionable. You are unsure of the weather in the world around you, whether optimistic or pessimistic. Change is coming, yes. But it won't be as soon as you expected. Focus your expectations on 2009.

Aquarius: It may seem to you as though almost everything is unsure, uncertain and up for grabs right now. This makes it challenging to make even relatively small decisions. Circumstances around you are not at all clear and it is better to leave all options open. In 2009 your overall situation becomes clear.

Pisces: You are moving through a low energy cycle during the end of June. Take very good care of yourself. Take more than normal rest, eat well and take your vitamins. July will be better.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Web site: