Ships Ahoy!



It's time again for the Main Library's annual Summer Film Series, and perhaps mindful that many families may not be able to afford a beach vacation that would allow them to see the ocean for themselves - or maybe because 2012 marks the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic - the venue has elected to showcase a nautical theme: Ships Ahoy!! 8 Classic Seafaring Films.


The series, which will take place for eight consecutive Saturdays throughout the summer, begins with 1958's A Night to Remember, an adaptation of Walter Lord's novel about the Titanic's fateful encounter with that iceberg. Largely considered by film critics and scholars to be the best movie ever made about the disaster (sorry, James Cameron fans), it's certainly the most factual, offering only brief vignettes concerning the passengers while spending most of its time with the officers, and approaching the tragedy from a stance that almost qualifies as docudrama. Free admission. June 16, 2 p.m. ImaginOn's Wells Fargo Playhouse, 300 E. 7th St. - Matt Brunson